G-Cubed model 6M

Table of contents

There are 21 regions and 6 sectors matching those in model 6G.


The 6M regions are listed below:

  1. United States (USA)
  2. Japan (JPN)
  3. Western Europe (EUW)
  4. Australia (AUS)
  5. South Korea (KOR)
  6. Other advanced economies (ADV)
  7. China (CHN)
  8. India (IND)
  9. Indonesia (IDN)
  10. Philippines (PHL)
  11. Vietnam (VNM)
  12. Thailand (THA)
  13. Malaysia (MYS)
  14. Rest of Asia (ROA)
  15. Latin America (LAM)
  16. Rest of Africa (AFR)
  17. Middle East and North Africa (MEN)
  18. Rest of World (ROW)


Each region aggregates production into the same 6 sectors. These sectors are aggregations of the 65 sectors defined in the GTAP database. See Aguiar et al. (2019) for more details. All 6 sectors are listed below:

  1. energy
  2. mining
  3. agriculture, fishing and hunting
  4. durable goods manufacturing
  5. mondurable goods manufacturing
  6. services

Note that the GTAP contruction sector is split across these 6 sectors.


Review the equations using the documentation created by the SYM processor.