G-Cubed model 2R

Table of contents

Model 2R is publicly available to demonstrated G-Cubed usage and to support teaching. It is a regionally symmetric model. As in all G-Cubed models, the reference region is the USA. The other region is identical to the USA in terms of its data and parameters.

The 2 sectors differentiate between an energy sector (electricity and fossil fuels) and a second sector that aggregates all other sectors.


In the version of G-Cubed that is used for analysis of environmental issues, the regions are listed below:

  1. United States (USA)
  2. Rest of World (ROW) set up so that the data for the rest of the world is identical to the data for the United States


Both regions aggregate production into the same 2 sectors.

  1. energy
  2. other


Review the equations using the documentation created by the SYM processor.