G-Cubed model 20C

Table of contents

The 20R model is a hybrid of the 2R and the 20C models.


Like the 2R model the regions are symmetric. They include:

  1. United States (USA)
  2. Rest of World (ROW) set up so that the data for the rest of the world is identical to the data for the United States


Like the 20C model, each region aggregates production into the same 20 sectors. These sectors are aggregations of the 65 sectors defined in the GTAP database. All 20 sectors are listed below:

  1. Electricity distribution
  2. Gas extraction and utilities
  3. Petroleum refining
  4. Coal mining
  5. Crude oil extraction
  6. Construction
  7. Other mining
  8. Agriculture and forestry
  9. Durable goods
  10. Nondurable goods
  11. Transportation
  12. Services
  13. Coal generation of electricity
  14. Natural gas generation of electricity
  15. Petroleum generation of electricity
  16. Nuclear generation of electricity
  17. Wind generation of electricity
  18. Solar generation of electricity
  19. Hydroelectric generation of electricity
  20. Other generation of electricity

13 of the 20 sectors articulate the production and distribution of the energy required to drive economic activity and the resulting greenhouse gas emissions.

Sector 1 captures the distribution of electricity. Sectors 13 to 20 split electricity generation by type of energy source, enabling detailed analysis of shifts in fossil-fuel dependency. Sectors 2 to 5 captures fossil-fuel extraction and processing for coal, gas, and oil. The 7 non-energy sectors capture all other types of production.

The full set of 20 sectors provide detailed understanding of energy dependencies for each region while also differentiating the regions in terms of economic specialisation.


Review the equations using the documentation created by the SYM processor.

Carbon emissions

CO2 emissions are measured through the burning of fossil fuels in energy generation.