Autonomous energy efficiency improvements

Table of contents

Autonomous Energy Efficiency Improvements (AEEI) are percentage improvements in energy efficiency of economic activities (production by sectors and consumption by households). The improvements reduce the energy required for production or consumption activities. See McKibbin and Wilcoxen (2013) for details of (AEEI). The baseline projections in a G-Cubed model (and indeed simulation layers) can include adjustments to the default zero values for annual AEEI adjustments.

The default name of the CSV file containing the AEEI adjustments that are to be made to the baseline projections is autonomous_energy_efficiency_improvements.csv. This file is located in the model’s data folder. That file name can be changed by setting the ModelConfiguration.AutonomousEnergyEfficiencyImprovementsFile value to the preferred name of the CSV file.

The AEEI file records Autonomous Energy Efficiency Improvements (AEEI) for all regions and all sectors within each region, through the projection years. It also captures these improvements for consumption.

An example layout for this CSV file is shown below for the 2 region/2 sector model:

  2017 2018 2019 …. 2150
AEEI(a01,USA) 0 0 0 0 0
AEEI(a01,USA) 0 0 0 0 0
AEEI(a01,ROW) 0 0 0 0 0
AEEI(a01,ROW) 0 0 0 0 0
AEEIC(USA) 0 0 0 0 0
AEEIC(ROW) 0 0 0 0 0

The first row contains the ordered years as column labels.

Note that the first year can be before the first projection year.

The last year must be the last projection year.

The first column contains row labels. All row labels are made up from three components, in the following order:

  1. The prefix AEEI for production by sectors and AEEIC for consumption.
  2. In brackets, the set combinations that are affected by the autonomous energy efficiency improvements. For sectors, the set combinations are a sector code followed by a region code. For consumption, the set combination is just a region code.

For example, the row labelled AEEI(a01,USA) is the AEEI projections for sector 1 for the United States.

The consumption rows must be the last rows in the file.

The sector rows must be in the SYM-defined sector order.

The rows must also be in the SYM-defined region order as you work down the file.

The data values are the percentage exogenous improvement in energy efficiency for that sector, or for consumption, in the given region for a given year. Thus, a value of 1 is a 1% improvement in energy efficiency in that year.


Mckibbin, Warwick J. and Wilcoxen, Peter. (2013) A global approach to energy and environment: the G-Cubed model. Handbook of Computable General Equilibrium Modeling. 995-1068.