
The gcubed package provides a full implementation of the G-Cubed model.

An introduction to the G-Cubed Python implementation is available online.

Support for G-Cubed is available from McKibbin Software Group.

©1993-2023 McKibbin Software Group Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

def gcubed_warning_handler(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):

Reports warnings in the logs and tries to indicate any G-Cubed related cause of the warning.

def now() -> str:

The current time and date as a string with a format that is %Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S

This is useful for result reporting and debugging purposes when naming output files.

def log(x: float) -> float:

The natural logarithm of x.

This is a convenience function that is provided for consistency with the G-Cubed model.


x : float The value for which the natural logarithm is required.


float The natural logarithm of x.

def file_summary(file_path, ancestors=3) -> str:


Get a summary of a file path


file_path : The file path to summarise.

ancestors : The number of ancestor folders to include in the summary, 3 by default.