
This module contains the BaseEquations class.

class BaseEquations(gcubed.base.Base):


All Python classes created by the SYM processor are subclasses of this class.

Provides functionality associated with all of the classes created by the SYM processor to implement the model equations.

BaseEquations( x1l: numpy.ndarray, j1l: numpy.ndarray, zel: numpy.ndarray, z1l: numpy.ndarray, x1r: numpy.ndarray, j1r: numpy.ndarray, z1r: numpy.ndarray, zer: numpy.ndarray, yjr: numpy.ndarray, yxr: numpy.ndarray, exo: numpy.ndarray, exz: numpy.ndarray, par: numpy.ndarray)


Initialise with each of the left-hand and right-hand side vectors of variables used to express the model equations.


x1l: The left-hand side vector of state variables used to express the model equations.

j1l: The left-hand side vector of costate variables used to express the model equations.

zel: The left-hand side vector of expected endogenous variables used to express the model equations.

z1l: The left-hand side vector of endogenous variables used to express the model equations.

x1r: The right-hand side vector of state variables used to express the model equations.

j1r: The right-hand side vector of costate variables used to express the model equations.

z1r: The right-hand side vector of endogenous variables used to express the model equations.

zer: The right-hand side vector of expected endogenous variables used to express the model equations.

yjr: The right-hand side vector of 1-period lagged costate variables used to express the model equations.

yxr: The right-hand side vector of 1-period lagged state variables used to express the model equations.

exo: The right-hand side vector of exogenous variables used to express the model equations.

exz: The right-hand side vector of 1-period lagged expected endogenous variables used to express the model equations.

par: The vector of parameters used to express the model equations.

The parameters and the right-hand side vectors of variables are all used to populate the equations that are evaluated to determine values of variables that are then stored in the left-hand side variable vectors.

These left-hand side variable vectors are then referenced by calling classes to determine the results of equation evaluations.

def equation(identifier: tuple[str, int]):


This is function you should use to access the functions implementing the model equations.


The equation function identified by the identifier. This equation function will have a name in the format 'vectorName_index'.

e.g. z1l_12 for equation of the 13th variable in the z1l vector, noting that the vector indexing starts at 0.


The equation function will have been declared in the subclass generated by the SYM processor from the SYM model definition.

This placeholder function does nothing in the superclass.

x1l: numpy.ndarray

The left-hand side vector of state variables used to express the model equations.

Use this property to get values of the state variables that have been computed using the model equations.

j1l: numpy.ndarray

The left-hand side vector of costate variables.

Use this property to get values of the costate variables that have been computed using the model equations.

zel: numpy.ndarray

The left-hand side vector of expected endogenous variables.

Use this property to get values of the expected endogenous variables that have been computed using the model equations.

z1l: numpy.ndarray

The left-hand side vector of endogenous variables.

Use this property to get values of the endogenous variables that have been computed using the model equations.

x1r: numpy.ndarray

The right-hand side vector of state variables used to express the model equations.

j1r: numpy.ndarray

The right-hand side vector of costate variables used to express the model equations.

z1r: numpy.ndarray

The right-hand side vector of endogenous variables used to express the model equations.

zer: numpy.ndarray

The right-hand side vector of expected endogenous variables used to express the model equations.

yjr: numpy.ndarray

The right-hand side vector of 1-period lagged costate variables used to express the model equations.

yxr: numpy.ndarray

The right-hand side vector of 1-period lagged state variables used to express the model equations.

exo: numpy.ndarray

The right-hand side vector of exogenous variables used to express the model equations.

exz: numpy.ndarray

The right-hand side vector of 1-period lagged expected endogenous variables used to express the model equations.

par: numpy.ndarray

The vector of parameters used to express the model equations.

def validate(self):


Ensure that all of the variable vectors have been initialised to Numpy column vectors.