This module contains the ModelConfiguration
Provides access to model configuration details that have been read in from the model configuration CSV file.
The configuration CSV file format
The configuration CSV file must have at least 2 columns. Only the first 2 columns are processed when loading model configuration details.
The fields in each row must be comma separated. No commas are allowed as part of the CSV file content in the first two columns.
The following configuration settings must be included the model configuration file, noting that their names are case sensitive:
Model details
- Version (
): The model version expressed as a positive integer followed by a capital letter e.g. 2R - Build (
): The model build typically expressed as a positive integer - SymInputFile (
): The root file for the SYM model definition. This is the file that is specified when using the SYM processor at the commandline.
Important years
- BaseYear (
): The base year for indices in the model database - CalibrationYear (
): The year used to calibrate the model parameters except for the carbon coefficients - CalibrationOfCarbonCoefficientsYear (
): The year used to calibrate the carbon coefficients - LinearisationYear (
): The year used to linearise the model for baseline projections - FirstProjectionYear (
): The first projection year for the baseline projections - LastProjectionYear (
): The last projection year - LastPublishableProjectionYear (
): The optional last year for which publishable projection data will be made available (defaults to 50 years before last projection year)
Data files
- Database (
): The name of the file that contains the model database - IOTables (
): The name of the file that contains the Input/Output tables for each region
Baseline exogenous adjustment settings
- LaborForceGrowthRatesFile (
): The name of the file that contains the data about labor force growth rate projections for each region - AutonomousEnergyEfficiencyImprovementsFile (
): The name of the file that contains the data about autonomous energy efficiency improvments over the projection years - TechnologyAdvancementRatesFile (
): The name of the file that contains the technology advancement rates - TechnologyGapsFile (
): The name of the file that contains the technology gaps - TechnologyCatchupRatesFile (
): The name of the file that contains the technology catchup rates - LaborAugmentingTechnicalChangeFile (
): The name of the derived file that contains the projections for labor augmenting technical change, based on the content of the technology files - ExogenousGrowthAndEfficiencyAdjustmentsFile (
): The name of the derived file that contains the exogenous growth and energy efficiency projections - BaselineDesignFile (
): The name of the file that contains the design of the baseline exogenous adjustments
Parameter settings
- UserParameters (
): The name of the file that contains the values for parameters that are set directly by the user - NeutralRealInterestRate (
): The global neutral real interest rate, as a decimal rather than a percentage - CarbonCoefficientsFile (
): The name of the file that contains the carbon coefficients - EmissionIntensityParameterFileSuffix (
): The suffix of the names of the files that contain the emission intensity coefficients
will eventually replace the carbon coefficients. If provided, then the suffix is appended to a set of standard prefixes to form the full file names of the various emission intensity parameter files. The standard prefixes are household
, government
, sector_input
, sector_capital
, sector_labor
, and sector_output
Model solution settings
- StableManifoldTolerance (
): The tolerance for small changes in the stable manifold that defines convergence to the stable manifold - StableManifoldMaximumIterations (
): The maximum number of iterations to perform before failing to find the stable manifold - UnitRootTolerance (
): The tolerance for the unit root test (maximum value that is still treated as not greater than 1) - ScaleTransitionMatrixToEliminateExplosiveRoots (
): An experimental switch to scale the transition matrix to eliminate explosive roots - LineariseAroundStrictModelSolution (
): Optional switch governing how model linearisation is done - EnforceAggregateConsistency (
): An experimental switch to enforce aggregate consistency in the model
Initialises the model details from a modified version of the CSV files used by G-cubed. The information in the file is a subset of the information in the modeldetails.csv file and a subset of the information that is stored in the baseinfo.csv file.
: the relative path, from Python's
current working directory, to the model configuration file.
The sym directory of the model, where the model's sym files are stored and where the Python script and other SYM processor outputs are stored after the SYM processor has been run.
This directory is where all simulation experiment definitions are stored. Each experiment has its own root directory that is a subdirectory of the simulations directory.
The diagnostics directory is where all model execution diagnostics are saved.
This directory is where all python scripts to run model experiments are saved.
The unique string identifying the version of the model. This influences the way that the model parameters are calibrated.
This configuration property must be specified.
Conventionally the model version is a number plus single letter string, where number represents the number of sectors, and the letter relates to specific regions in the model. For example:
2R is the 2 region/2 sector model
20R is the 2 region/20 sector model
20C is the 10 region/20 sector model used for carbon emissions modelling.
The name for this property in the configuration file is Version
The string identifying the build of the model. This influences the way that the model parameters are calibrated.
This configuration property must be specified.
The model build must start with a positive integer (e.g. 20) but it can also include a suffix that consists of digits and letters (e.g. 123logv13).
The name for this property in the configuration file is Build
The integer indicating which build of the model is being used. A given model version can have many different builds.
This configuration property is inferred from the Build
value in
the model configuration file. See ModelConfiguration.build
for details
of the Build
configuration setting.
The absolute path and name of the root SYM file to process with the sym processor to produce the sym details (lists of variables and Python implementation of the model equations etc.) for the model and the Python implementation of the model equations.
Note that the SYM definition of a model can be split among several files with the root file including the others to form the complete model definition. Only the name of the root SYM file is returned.
This configuration property must be specified.
The name for this property in the configuration file is "SymInputFile".
The fully qualified module name required to import the SYM generated Python equations module.
The name of the file that is the Python equations module for this model.
The absolute path to the SYM processor generated eqnmap file.
The file containing a listing of left and right hand side variables in the model equations. the LHS variable comes first, as a name of the vector (column 1), and the index in that vector (column 2). Then each RHS variable appears, again as the vector name in column 2 and the index in that vector in column 2.
This information is used to populate a dictionary with keys being the vector and index tuple for each RHS variable and the value being a list of of vector name, vector index tuples, one for each equation that the RHS variable occurs in. That dictionary then drives the equation evaluations used in model linearisation.
The absolute path to the SYM processor generated lis file.
This is not used by the Python implementation.
The absolute path to the model's database CSV file.
The database file contains the historical data for all of the variables in the model.
Defaults to database.csv
The absolute path to the model's input-output tables CSV file.
This file contains the tables for all regions in the model.
An example value is IOTABLESvR2011.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is IOTables
Defaults to iotables.csv
This configuration setting is the name of the CSV file containing the information about the advancement rates for technology in each sector, through all projection years. Values are expressed as a percentage so a value of 2.0 means that the technology will advance by 2% in the associated year.
It is an optional configuration setting. The default value is technology_advancement_rates.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is TechnologyAdvancementRatesFile
The absolute path to the CSV file containing the values of the parameters that are set by the user rather than by calibration using database and IO table information.
The name for this property in the configuration file
is UserParameters
The absolute path to the user parameters file.
This configuration setting is the the name of the CSV file containing the information about the advancement rates for technology in each sector, through all projection years. Values are expressed as a percentage so a value of 2.0 means that the technology will advance by 2% in the associated year.
It is an optional configuration setting. The default value is technology_advancement_rates.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is TechnologyAdvancementRatesFile
The absolute path to the technology advancement rates file.
This configuration setting is the the name of the CSV file containing the information about the technology gaps in each region for each sector, expressed as a percentage. Thus, a value of 50 means the region has a sector that is 50% as efficient as is possible in the first projection year.
It is an optional configuration setting. The default value is technology_gaps.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is TechnologyGapsFile
The absolute path to the technology gaps file.
This configuration setting is the the name of the CSV file containing the information about the catchup rates for technology in each sector, through all projection years. Values are expressed as a percentage so a value of 2.0 means that the technology gap will close by 2% in the associated year.
It is an optional configuration setting. The default value is technology_catchup_rates.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is TechnologyCatchupRatesFile
The absolute path to the technology catchup rates file.
This configuration setting is the the name of the CSV file containing the information needed to do region labor force growth rate projections. Values as given as percentages so a value of 2 is 2% growth in the associated year.
It is an optional configuration setting. The default value is labor_force_growth_rates.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is LaborForceGrowthRatesFile
The absolute path to the labor force growth rates file.
This configuration setting is the the name of the CSV file containing the information needed to do projections of region/sector autonomous energy efficiency improvements.
It is an optional configuration setting. The default value is autonomous_energy_efficiency_improvements.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is AutonomousEnergyEfficiencyImprovementsFile
The absolute path to the autonomous energy efficiency improvements file.
This configuration setting is the the name of the CSV file containing the information needed to do projections of region/sector autonomous energy efficiency improvements.
It is an optional configuration setting. It should only be used in models with a fully articulated electricity generation system. Typically it was relevant to the 20C model version. It has been superceded in later model versions.
If this setting is not specified in the model configuration, then the co2coef emissions coefficients must not feature in the model.
If used, the typical file name has the form co2coef_<VERSION>.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is CarbonCoefficientsFile
The absolute path to the carbon coefficients file or None
if none has been specified.
if the model has emission intensity parameters and False
if the model does not have emission intensity parameters.
The name of the CSV file containing the information
about household emission intensity parameters.
This file is expected to be
in the data
directory of the model.
This value is optional. If it not specified, then the model does not use the coefficients.
The name of the CSV file containing the information
about government emission intensity parameters.
This file is expected to be
in the data
directory of the model.
This value is optional. If it not specified, then the model does not use the coefficients.
The name of the CSV file containing the information
about sector input emission intensity parameters.
This file is expected to be
in the data
directory of the model.
This value is optional. If it not specified, then the model does not use the coefficients.
The name of the CSV file containing the information
about sector capital emission intensity parameters.
This file is expected to be
in the data
directory of the model.
This value is optional. If it not specified, then the model does not use the coefficients.
The name of the CSV file containing the information
about sector labor emission intensity parameters.
This file is expected to be
in the data
directory of the model.
This value is optional. If it not specified, then the model does not use the coefficients.
The name of the CSV file containing the information
about sector output emission intensity parameters.
This file is expected to be
in the data
directory of the model.
This value is optional. If it not specified, then the model does not use the coefficients.
This configuration setting is the name of the CSV file containing the derived information about labor augmenting technical change projections for all sectors in all regions. It is produced when the technology advancement rates, technology gaps, and technology catchup rates are combined.
It is an optional configuration setting. The default value is labor_augmenting_technical_change.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is LaborAugmentingTechnicalChangeFile
The absolute path to the labor augmenting technical change file.
This configuration setting is the name of the CSV file containing the exogenous variable projections produced when the labor augmenting technical change data and the labor force growth rates data and the autonomous energy efficiency improvements data are combined.
It is an optional configuration setting. The default value is baseline_exogenous_projections.csv
The name for this property in the configuration file
is ExogenousGrowthAndEfficiencyAdjustmentsFile
The absolute path to the exogenous growth an efficiency adjustments file.
This configuration setting is the name of the CSV file containing design information about the baseline projections.
The standard value is baseline_design.csv
It is an optional configuration setting. If omitted, then no adjustments are made to the baseline projections. Exogenous variable projections are simply the values in the database, replicated through the projection years.
The name for this property in the configuration file is BaselineDesignFile
The absolute path to the baseline design file or None
if no baseline design file has been specified.
if the model has a baseline design file and False
if the model does not have a baseline design file.
This configuration setting is the year to use when selecting the database data for model linearisation
purposes (e.g. 2011
). It must be a year in which there is data in the database file.
The model can be relinearised in projection years, depending on how the model is run and how simulation experiments are designed. This is still an experimental feature of the model.
The name for this property in the configuration file is LinearisationYear
This configuration setting is the year to use when selecting
the database data for model parameter calibration purposes (e.g. 2011).
It must be a year in which there is data in the database file.
This is used to calibrate the values of all parameters except those set by the
user in the ModelConfiguration.parameters_file
and the carbon emissions coefficients.
The carbon coefficients can be linearised in a different year, specified via
The name for this property in the configuration file is
This configuration setting is the year to use when selecting the database data for model parameter calibration purposes for the carbon emissions related parameters (e.g. 2018). It must be a year in which there is data in the database file.
The name for this property in the configuration file is
This configuration setting is the year in which key price indices in the database are equal to 100.
Typically, the base year is chosen to be the first projection year, noting that the first year of projections are matched up to observed data in that first year. Note that this configuration setting needs to describe the actual database file. It should not be a specification of the base year that you want to use. Other configuration settings manage how the base year is altered after the data is loaded.
Databases can be rebased to different years after they have been loaded.
The name for this property in the configuration fileis BaseYear
The original first projection year. This is tracked because, for projections that iterate forward through the projection years, the first projection year will be updated with each iteration.
This property is set equal to the value of the
property in the configuration file.
It must not be specified
independently of the FirstProjectionYear
This configuration setting is the first year that projections are to be generated for. Note that for baseline projections, the projections start in a year where the model's database has data, so the projections can be lined up with the observed data in the database.
The first projection year must be one of the years in the database. It must not be the first or the last year in the database.
The name for this property in the configuration file is
This configuration setting is the last year for which data will be projected.
The last projection year must be later than the first projection year.
The name for this property in the configuration file is
This configuration setting is the last year for which publishable projection data will be made available.
It defaults to 50 years before the last projection year.
The value must be between the first projection year and the last projection year, inclusive.
This is an optional configuration setting. It defaults to 50
years before the last projection year.
The name for this property in the configuration file is
The list of integer years from the first projection year to the last projection year.
A list of string representations of the years from the first projection year to the last projection year.
A list of string representations of the years from the original first projection year to the last projection year.
This configuration setting is the maximum size of the change in the stable manifold estimate allowed during the search for the stable manifold.
This value is used to ensure that the search for a stable manifold terminates within a reasonable period of time. Consider making this value larger if the search is not converging.
This is an optional configuration setting. The default value is 1e-10
Values must be small and positive.
Values should be at least as small as 1e-5
The name for this property in the configuration file
is StableManifoldTolerance
This configuration setting is the maximum number of iterations allowed when searching for the stable manifold for the model. If this number is reached without convergence of the stable manifold, then the model cannot be used for projection purposes.
This value is used to ensure that the search for a stable manifold terminates within a reasonable period of time.
This is an optional configuration setting. The default value is 1000
The name for this property in the configuration file
is StableManifoldMaximumIterations
This configuration setting is the tolerance for the unit root test (maximum value that is still treated as not greater than 1, defaults to 1.001).
This value should not be set to a value that is meaningfully greater than 1.0.
This is an optional configuration setting. The default value is 1.001
The name for this property in the configuration file
is UnitRootTolerance
This experimental configuration setting is a switch to scale the transition matrix to eliminate explosive roots
(If True
, then the state transition matrix is divided by the maximum
modulus of its roots to ensure all roots are less than or exactly equal
to 1 rather than possibly being greater than 1 by the amount
allowed by the UnitRootTolerance
This is an optional configuration setting. The default value is False
The name for this property in the configuration file
is ScaleTransitionMatrixToEliminateExplosiveRoots
This configuration setting is the global neutral real interest rate as a decimal, so a value of 3.6% would be specified in the model configuration as 0.036.
This rate influences model linearisation. Linearisation is done around a set of varible values that that force the interest rates in the model to be equal to this value.
This is an optional configuration setting. The default value is 3.6% (a value of 0.036)
The name for this property in the configuration file is NeutralRealInterestRate
The name of the Python module that contains the parameters class definition.
This is always parameters_<VERSION>_<BUILD>
, where <VERSION>
is the model version
and <BUILD>
is the model build.
The path to the file containing the parameters calibration class.
This is a file called parameters_<VERSION>_<BUILD>.py
the model's Python directory where <VERSION>
is the model version
and <BUILD>
is the model build.
The name of the class to use for calibrating the model parameters.
This is always Parameters<VERSION><BUILD>
, where <VERSION>
is the model version
and <BUILD>
is the model build.
This experimental configuration setting is True
if the model linearisation is done around a strict model
solution and False
if the model linearisation is to instead be done
around actual data values sourced from the model database or from a
previous model projection.
Set this to False
for standard linearisation
as has been done for G-Cubed for decades. Set this to True
if the
actual data values are to be adjusted to find similar values that exactly
solve all of the equations in the model before then linearising around
those similar values.
This property defaults to False
unless overridden in the model configuration.
This is an optional configuration setting. The default value is False
The name for this property in the configuration file
is LineariseAroundStrictModelSolution
This experimental configuration setting is True
if the model should enforce GDP and other variable aggregation consistency and False
if the model
should not enforce aggregate consistency in projections. Aggregates relate to GDP and high-level
components and they relate to emissions. Aggregation consistency in projections is not guaranteed
because of the way that the model is linearised and solved.
This is an optional configuration setting. The default value is False
The name for this property in the configuration file
is EnforceAggregateConsistency