
This module contains the BaselineRunner class - used to get baseline projections from a G-Cubed model and to save various intermediate outputs into the model's data directory.


This is a simple runner that saves intermediate model information into the model's data directory.

Note that no experiments are run.

BaselineRunner(working_directory: str, configuration_file: str)


When the constructor is called, the runner loads the configuration and the model, ready for running. Call the run method when you are ready to create the baseline projections.


working_directory: The directory where the results and logs are to be stored.

configuration_file: The location of the configuration file, as an absolute path or relative to the specified working directory.


Raises exceptions if the working directory is not specified correctly.

Raises exceptions if the configuration file is not specified correctly.

def run(self):


Do the actual work of running the model and performing the experiment.

Call this method after setting up the runner.

Once the experiment has run, you can retrieve projections from the simulation layer(s) of interest and the baseline for comparison and analysis purposes.