
This module contains the ModelUpdater class.

It is used when doing relinearisations, to update a model with an extended database and a new first projection year.

class ModelUpdater(gcubed.base.Base):

Updates a model to do projections starting from a future year, beginning with the projections generated by a previously defined model.

def get_updated_model( cls, projections: gcubed.projections.projections.Projections, new_first_projection_year: int) -> gcubed.model.Model:

Perform the update on the provided model


projections: the base projections (either a baseline projections or a simulation layer) that will be used as the source of the information from which the updated model will be produced.

new_first_projection_year: The (YYYY) new first projection year for the updated model.


The updated model.


Raises an exception if the new base year is not greater than the base year for the projections.