
This module contains the Population class which loads labor force growth rates.

class LaborForce(gcubed.base.Base):

Loads labor force growth rates for all sectors within each region.

LaborForce(sym_data: gcubed.sym_data.SymData)


sym_data: The information about the SYM model definition.

The model configuration is accessible via this argument, thus enabling discovery of the location of the labor force growth rates CSV file.

CSV file format

The labor force growth rates file records annual labor force growth rates data for all regions, expressed as percentages so a value of 1 is a 1% growth rate.

The CSV file format for the 2R model is shown below:

2018 2150
USA 1 0
ROW 2 0

The first row contains the projection year column labels in columns 2 onward in YYYY format. The following rows contain the labor force growth rates for each region. Each row of data has the SYM region code in the first column and the percentage growth rate for each year in the column corresponding to that year.

In the example above, the first projection year is 2018 and the last projection year is 2150. The USA labor force grows at 1% in 2018 and 0% in 2150. The ROW region labor force grows at 2% in 2018 and 0% in 2150.

The row labels should be the region identifiers from the SYM model definition. They must be in the same order as the regions are defined in the SYM model definition of the regions set.

labor_force_growth_rates: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame