
This module contains the Comparator class that compares two Benchmarks instances.

class Comparator(gcubed.base.Base):


Create a set of benchmark results associated with a model and a version of Ox.


Analyses and reports on differences between the original and new benchmarks.


old_benchmarks: The old benchmarks. Typically these have been run some time ago and are pickled (serialised to disk) and will need to be unpickled (restored to a Python object) before being passed to this Comparator for analysis.

new_benchmarks: The new benchmarks. Often these benchmarks are run and used immediately.

The new benchmarks.

The old benchmarks.

reporting_directory: str

The directory to save mismatch reports in.

save_reports: bool

True if reports are to be saved.

Defaults to False


The format to use for floating point values in CSV output.

Defaults to %.10f.


The absolute allowable errors. See numpy.allclose for details.

Defaults to 0.00001.


The relative allowable errors. See numpy.allclose for details.

Defaults to 0.00001.


The discrepancy limit, used for determining which discrepancies to report.

Defaults to 0.00001.

def isclose(self, old: numpy.ndarray, new: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:


old: The data frame of numbers from the old benchmarks.

new: The data frame of numbers from the new benchmarks.


A boolean array where two arrays are element-wise equal within the absolute and relative tolerances set for this Comparator.


Raises an exception if the two arrays are not the same shape.

def allclose( self, old: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, new: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame) -> bool:


old: The data frame of numbers from the old benchmarks.

new: The data frame of numbers from the new benchmarks.


True if arrays are element-wise equal within the absolute and relative tolerances set for this Comparator.


Raises an exception if the two arrays are not the same shape.

def compare_vectors( self, name: str, old: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, new: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, new_name: str = 'new', old_name: str = 'old') -> bool:


Compare two vectors.


name: The name of the vector being compared.

old: The old vector

new: The new vector

old_name: The name of the old vector

new_name: The name of the new vector


True if the values in the vectors match.

def compare_matrices( self, name: str, old: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, new: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, new_name: str = 'new', old_name: str = 'old') -> bool:


Compare two matrices.


name: The name of the matrix being compared.

old: The old matrix

new: The new matrix

new_name: The name of the new matrix

old_name: The name of the old matrix


True if the values in the matrices match.

def match_variables(self) -> bool:


Match the content in the SYM summaries of the model variables.

Checks to run:

  • The list of variables are the same.


True if the new and old benchmarks match.

def match_parameters(self) -> bool:


Ensure that there is exactly 1 new parameter for each old parameter and visa-versa.

Ensure that each parameter value is associated with the same parameter name and order and set members. and that the parameter values are identical (to within a reasonable level of numerical accuracy).

def match_linearisation_rhs_vector_values(self):


Compare RHS vector values used in initial model linearisation.

def match_nonlinear_model_lhs_vector_values(self):


Compare old and new LHS vector values calculated using the non-linear equations as part of model linearisation.

def match_linear_model_partial_derivatives(self):


Compare partial derivatives matrices for the model linearisation.

def match_ssf_matrices(self):


Compare state space form matrices computed from the linearised model partial derivative matrices.

def match_eigenvalues(self):


Check moduli of the state transition matrix eigenvalues.

def match_H1(self):


Check the H1 matrix in the stable manifold

def match_H2(self):


Check the H2 matrix in the stable manifold

def match_M1(self):


Check the M1 matrix in the stable manifold

def match_M2(self):


Check the M2 matrix in the stable manifold

def match_mu1(self):


Check the mu1 matrix in the stable manifold

def match_mu2(self):


Check the M2 matrix in the stable manifold

def match_Anew(self):


Check the Anew matrix in the stable manifold

def match_Znew(self):


Check the Znew matrix in the stable manifold

def match_Gamma_st(self):

Compare the Gamma_st matrix in the stable manifold.

def match_Gamma_jt(self):

Compare the Gamma_jt matrix in the stable manifold.

def match_Gamma_rT(self):

Compare the Gamma_rt matrix in the stable manifold.

def match_psi_rj(self):

Compare the psi_rj matrix in the stable manifold.

def match_psi_rs(self):

Compare the psi_rs matrix in the stable manifold.

def match_psi_rx(self):

Compare the psi_rx matrix in the stable manifold.

def match_tau_sjt(self):

Compare the tau_sjt matrix in the stable manifold.

def match_common_factor(self):

Compare the common factor matrix in the stable manifold.

def match_population(self):

Compare the population growth projection adjustments.

def match_productivity(self):

Compare productivity adjustments to exogenous projections.

def match_effective_labour_productivity(self):

Compare effective labour productivity adjustments to exogenous projections.

def match_potential_output_growth(self):

Benchmarks the potential output growth adjustments to exogenous projections.

def match_energy_usage_efficiency_gains(self):

Compare sectoral energy usage efficiency gain projections.

def match_consumption_energy_usage_efficiency_gains(self):

Benchmarks the consumption energy usage efficiency gain projections.

def match_first_year_observed_values_of_variables_adjusted_by_intertemporal_constants(self):

Benchmarks the first year observed values of variables adjusted_by intertemporal constants.

def match_first_year_original_projections_of_variables_adjusted_by_intertemporal_constants(self):

Benchmarks the first year original projections of variables adjusted by intertemporal constants.

def match_first_year_ssf_lhs_vector_values(self):

Benchmarks the first projection year state space form evaluations of the LHS vectors.

def match_first_projection_year_data_difference_from_ssf(self):

Benchmarks the first projection year data difference from state space form evaluations of the LHS vectors.

def match_partial_derivatives_wrt_intertemporal_constants(self):

Benchmarks the partial derivatives matrix used to compute intertemporal constants.

def match_intertemporal_constants(self):

Check that intertemporal constant values are the same.

def match_baseline_exogenous_variable_projections(self):

Benchmarks the baseline exogenous variable projections.

def match_first_projection_year_original_projections(self):

Benchmarks the first projection year original (unadjusted by constants) projections of the LHS vectors.

def match_baseline_c4t(self):

Benchmarks the baseline c4t matrix.

def match_baseline_h3t(self):

Benchmarks the baseline h3t matrix.

def match_baseline_initial_state_vector(self):

Benchmarks the baseline initial state vector.

def match_baseline_constantBL(self):

Benchmarks the baseline constantBL matrix.

def match_all_projections(self):

Match the details for all projections