G-Cubed model_22C_179

Name Elements Description
abroad USA, JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV, CHN, IND, OIL, ROW used in asset calculations
currency USA, JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV, CHN, IND, OIL, ROW currency of assets
dest USA, JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV, CHN, IND, OIL, ROW alias for regions
domfor D, F domestic vs foreign
factors K, L, E, M top tier factors of production
fgen a13, a14, a15  
gas_CH2 CH4 Methane
gas_CO2 CO2 Carbon dioxide
gas_FC FC Flurocarbons
gas_N2O N2O Nitrous oxide
gases CO2, CH4, N2O, FC Greenhouse gases
good_coal g04 coal
good_coal_generation g15 coal electricity generation
good_construction g06 construction output
good_crops g14 crops
good_durable_manufacturing g09 durable manufacturing goods
good_electricity_distribution g01 electricity
good_gas g02 natural gas
good_gas_generation g16 gas electricity generation
good_hydro_generation g21 hydro electricity generation
good_livestock g13 livestock
good_nondurable_manufacturing g10 non-durable manufacturing goods
good_nuclear_generation g18 nuclear electricity generation
good_oil g05 crude oil
good_oil_generation g17 oil electricity generation
good_oil_refining g03 liquid fuels from oil-refining
good_other_agriculture g08 agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting products
good_other_generation g22 other electricity generation
good_other_mining g07 other mining products
good_services g12 services
good_solar_generation g20 solar electricity generation
good_transportation g11 transportation
good_wind_generation g19 wind electricity generation
goods g01, g02, g03, g04, g05, g06, g07, g08, g09, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, g22 goods other than the capital-production goods Y - for firms, and Z - for households
goods_e g01, g02, g03, g04, g05 energy goods
goods_g g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, g22 electricity generation
goods_m g06, g07, g08, g09, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14 material goods
goods_mc g06, g07, g08, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14 Material goods less durable manufacturing - those material goods consumed directly
goods_n g06, g07, g08, g09, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14, g15, g16, g17, g18, g19, g20, g21, g22 Non-energy goods
goods_o g01, g02, g03, g04, g05, g06, g07, g08, g09, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14 ordinary goods - those with standard treatment
goods_oc g01, g02, g03, g04, g05, g06, g07, g08, g10, g11, g12, g13, g14 Ordinary goods less durable manufacturing - those ordinary goods consumed directly
notROW USA, JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV, CHN, IND, OIL used in CURR equation
notUSA JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV, CHN, IND, OIL, ROW used with REXC equation
oecd USA, JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV OECD countries
orig USA, JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV, CHN, IND, OIL, ROW alias for regions
owner USA, JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV, CHN, IND, OIL, ROW owner of assets ASSE
region_ADV ADV Other advanced economies
region_AUS AUS Australia
region_CAN CAN Canada
region_CHN CHN China
region_EUR EUR Eurozone
region_IND IND India
region_JPN JPN Japan
region_OIL OIL Other oil-exporting and middle east countries
region_ROW ROW Rest of World
region_USA USA United States
regions USA, JPN, AUS, EUR, CAN, ADV, CHN, IND, OIL, ROW countries and regions
sec_ed a01 electricity distribution sector
sec_std a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22 sectors with standard treatment
sector_coal a04 coal mining sector
sector_coal_generation a15 coal electricity generation sector
sector_construction a06 construction sector
sector_crops a14 crops
sector_durable_manufacturing a09 durable manufacturing sector
sector_gas a02 gas extraction and utilities sector
sector_gas_generation a16 gas electricity generation sector
sector_hydro_generation a21 hydro electricity generation sector
sector_livestock a13 livestock
sector_nondurable_manufacturing a10 non-durable manufacturing sector
sector_nuclear_generation a18 nuclear electricity generation sector
sector_oil a05 crude oil extraction sector
sector_oil_generation a17 oil electricity generation sector
sector_oil_refining a03 liquid fossil fuel refining sector
sector_other_agriculture a08 other agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting sector
sector_other_generation a22 other electricity generation sector
sector_other_mining a07 other mining sector
sector_services a12 services sector
sector_solar_generation a20 solar electricity generation sector
sector_transportation a11 transportation sector
sector_wind_generation a19 wind electricity generation sector
sector_YY YY industrial capital sector
sector_ZZ ZZ household capital sector
sectors a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22 sectors other than the capital-production sectors Y - for firms, and Z - for households
sectors_e a01, a02, a03, a04, a05 energy sectors
sectors_g a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22 electricity generation sectors
sectors_m a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14 material sectors
sectors_n a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20, a21, a22 Non-energy sectors
sectors_o a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14 non electricity generation sectors
sectors_os a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14 Non electricity generation or distribution sectors
time t0 Obsolete time set
varfac L, E, M variable factors
Name Domain Description Units LHS RHS
ABUY owner new purchases of foreign assets end,gdp 121 122
ASSE currency, owner assets in each currency, including own sta,usgdp 122 122, 123, 79, 80
ASSU regions assets held by region, in US$ end,gdp 123 100
BCOL regions Quads from coal btu,exo none none
BCT goods_o, dest, orig unit border tax adjustment dollar,exo none 15, 34
BGAS regions Quads from gas btu,exo none none
BOIL regions Quads from oil btu,exo none none
BOND regions bonds gdp,sta 143 100, 143, 144, 146, 147, 77
CAP sec_std, regions capital stock gdp,logged,sta 47 41, 47, 5, 50, 51, 56, 69
CAPY regions raw invt capital stock gdp,logged,sta 48 100, 42, 48, 52, 54, 57
CAPZ regions household capital stock gdp,logged,sta 49 100, 43, 49, 53, 55, 58
CNPE regions household demand for energy end,gdp,logged 82 149, 67
CNPK regions household capital services end,gdp,logged 84 none
CNPL regions household demand for labor end,gdp,logged 81 101, 142, 31, 67, 77
CNPO regions household demand for material end,gdp,logged 83 150, 67
CO2RATE goods_g, regions actual co2 per GWh exo,gwh none 170
CO2TAR regions target co2 per GWh exo,gwh none 170
CON goods_oc, regions household demand for goods end,gdp,logged 149, 150 1, 10, 11, 85
CONP regions national accounts consumption end,gdp,logged 78 130, 131, 43, 67, 81, 82, 83, 84, 94, 95
CSHR regions Share of clean elec del,end 169 none
CTAV sec_std, goods_e, regions ad valorem sector input tax exo,pct none 148, 158
CTAVS regions shadow ad valorem sector input tax exo,pct none 148
CTFDAV goods_e, regions ad valorem final demand tax exo,pct none 149, 155, 158
CURN regions domestic currency current account using nominal interest payments end,gdp 98 103, 104
CURR regions USD current account using real interest payments end,gdp 99 102, 121, 122
DEFI regions fiscal deficit (real interest rates) end,gdp 146 102, 143, 147
DEFN regions fiscal deficit (nominal interest rates) end,gdp 147 103
DEFX regions fiscal deficit shocks (real interest rates) exo,gdp none none
ECOL regions CO2 emissions from coal exo,mmt none none
EDRC regions Excess dem for rate credits end,gwh 170 none
EGAS regions CO2 emissions from gas exo,mmt none none
ELE goods_g, regions demand for G goods end,gdp,logged 163 161
EMCO regions CO2 emissions end,logged,mmtgdp 109 111
EMCO2 sec_std, regions CO2 emissions by sector end,logged,mmtgdp 107 109
EMCO2FD regions CO2 emissions final Demand end,logged,mmtgdp 108 109
EMCOW   CO2 emissions, global end,logged,mmtusgdp 115 none
EMG regions CO2 equivalent emissions by government end,logged,mmtgdp 2 8
EMH regions CO2 equivalent emissions by households end,logged,mmtgdp 1 8
EMIS regions carbon emissions end,mmtgdp 111 112, 113
EMISW   carbon emissions, global end,mmtusgdp 113 115
EMIT regions carbon emissions end,mmtgdp 112 none
EMIX regions carbon emissions, exogenous exo,mmtgdp none 112
EMR regions CO2 equivalent emissions for the region end,logged,mmtgdp 8 none
EMS sec_std, regions CO2 equivalent emissions by sector end,logged,mmtgdp 7 8
EMSI sec_std, regions CO2 equivalent emissions due to usage of input goods by sector end,logged,mmtgdp 3 7
EMSK sec_std, regions CO2 equivalent emissions due to usage of capital by sector end,logged,mmtgdp 5 7
EMSL sec_std, regions CO2 equivalent emissions due to usage of labor by sector end,logged,mmtgdp 4 7
EMSO sec_std, regions CO2 equivalent emissions due to output by sector end,logged,mmtgdp 6 7
EN sec_std, goods_e, regions sector demand for energy goods end,gdp,logged 151 10, 107, 157, 158, 171, 172, 173, 3
ENER regions energy consumption btugdp,end 110 114
ENERW   energy consumption, global btuusgdp,end 114 none
ENT sec_std, regions sector demand for energy end,gdp,logged 24 151, 65
EOIL regions CO2 emissions from oil exo,mmt none none
EPRC regions expected consumer price inflation rate end,intertemporal_constant,pct 125 132
EXCH regions exch rate as US$ per unit of region currency idx,logged,stl 116, 9 117, 119, 132, 14
EXCL regions exch rate as US$ per unit of region currency - lagged idx,lagged,logged,sta 117 132
EXCR regions country risk premium relative to US exo,pct none 118
EXCX regions exchange rate target percentage change exo,pct none 132
EXQ goods_o, regions exports, EXP.xx end,gdp,logged 19 10, 11, 110, 12, 141, 160, 18
EXQT regions value of exports at source end,gdp,logged 18 105
EYGR regions expected output growth end,intertemporal_constant,pct 124 132
FDEN goods_e, regions final demand for energy goods end,gdp,logged 85 108, 157, 158
GCE goods_o, regions government purchases of goods and services end,gdp,logged 134, 135 10, 11, 12, 136, 2
GCET regions national accounts government spending excluding labor end,gdp,logged 136 130, 131, 137, 94, 95
GCOL regions GWH from coal exo,gwh none none
GDPN regions GDP, nominal end,gdp,logged 94 132, 96
GDPR regions GDP, real end,gdp,logged 95 96, 97
GENCO2 fgen, regions mmt co2 from gen end,mmtgdp 171, 172, 173 174
GENRATE regions lbs co2 per MWh end,pct 174 none
GGAS regions GWH from gas exo,gwh none none
GHYDRO regions GWH from hyrdo exo,gwh none none
GNEN regions GNE, nominal end,gdp,logged 130 132
GNER regions GNE, real end,gdp,logged 131 none
GNPR regions gross national product end,gdp,logged 97 none
GNUC regions GWH from nuclear exo,gwh none none
GOIL regions GWH from oil exo,gwh none none
GOTHER regions GWH from other exo,gwh none none
GOVL regions labor used by government exo,gdp none 101, 137, 142, 31, 77
GOVS regions government spending excluding labor exo,gdp,logged none 134, 135
GOVT regions national accounts government spending including labor end,gdp,logged 137 146
GSOLAR regions GWH from solar exo,gwh none none
GWHA regions Total GWh of generation end,gwhgdp 167 169, 174
GWHC regions Clean GWh of generation end,gwhgdp 168 166, 169
GWIND regions GWH from wind exo,gwh none none
IIN goods_o, regions raw capital sector demand for goods end,gdp,logged 29, 30 10, 11, 12
IITE regions raw capital sector demand for energy end,gdp,logged 27 29, 66
IITL regions raw capital sector demand for labor end,gdp,logged 26 101, 142, 31, 66, 77
IITO regions raw capital sector demand for material end,gdp,logged 28 30, 66
IMP goods_o, dest, orig individual imports, IMP.xy end,exclude_dest_equals_orig,gdp,logged 15 139, 16, 19
IMPX goods_o, dest, orig individual imports shift exo,gdp none 15
IMQ goods_o, regions DF imports by good, IMQ.xx end,gdp,logged 13 15, 16, 160, 17
IMQT regions value of imports at destination end,gdp,logged 17 105
INAS regions nominal USD net interest payments on foreign assets end,gdp 80 98
INCM regions after tax household income end,gdp,logged 77 78
INFCL regions household materials inflation rate end,pct 128 132
INFL regions aggregate consumer price inflation end,pct 126 132
INFP regions aggregate output price inflation end,pct 91 132
INFX regions inflation target exo,pct none 132
INS regions, goods_o shocks to aggregate investment demand exo,gdp none 10, 11, 12, 130, 131, 94, 95
INTF regions risk free interest rate, short-run, real end,pct 89 90
INTL regions interest rate, short-run, nominal (lagged) pct,sta 133 132
INTN regions interest rate, short (policy), nominal pct,stl 132 133, 147, 80, 88, 89
INTR regions risk adjusted interest rate, short-run, real end,pct 90 101, 118, 144, 146, 147, 56, 57, 58, 77, 79
INTX regions shock to interest rate target del,exo none none
INV sec_std, regions raw investment end,gdp,logged 50 160, 51, 65, 71
INVP regions total investment by standard sectors end,gdp,logged 71 72
INVT regions total investment including by households end,gdp,logged 72 102, 103, 104, 130, 131, 26, 27, 28, 42, 66, 94, 95
INVY regions raw investment end,gdp,logged 52 66, 72
INVZ regions household investment end,gdp,logged 53 142, 67, 72
IRAS regions real USD net interest payments on foreign assets end,gdp 79 77, 97, 99
JNV sec_std, regions installed investment end,gdp,logged 51 47, 56
JNVY regions installed investment in the raw capital sector end,gdp,logged 54 48, 52, 57
JNVZ regions installed household investment end,gdp,logged 55 49, 53, 58
LAB sec_std, regions sector demand for labor end,gdp,logged 23 101, 142, 31, 4, 65, 77
LABO regions total labor demanded end,gdp,logged 31 44
LABX regions shock to total labor supply exo,gdp none none
LAM sec_std, regions marginal value of an additional unit of capital cos,intertemporal_constant,logged,pct 56 56, 59, 69
LAMY regions marginal value of an additional unit of capital in the raw capital sector cos,logged,pct 57 100, 57, 60
LAMZ regions marginal value of an additional unit of household capital cos,logged,pct 58 100, 58, 61
LGDPN regions GDP, nominal exo,nomusdbillion none none
LGDPR regions GDP, real exo,realusdbillion none none
MONE regions money demand end,idx,logged 88 100
NB02 regions interest rate, 2-year, nominal end,pct none none
NB05 regions interest rate, 5-year, nominal end,pct none none
NB10 regions interest rate, 10-year, nominal end,pct none none
NEER regions trade-weighted exchange rate, FC/domestic end,idx,logged 119 none
OI sec_std, goods_m, regions sector demand for material goods end,gdp,logged 152 11, 12, 3
OIN sec_std, regions sector demand for materials end,gdp,logged 25 152, 65
OUG goods, regions domestic supply of goods end,gdp,logged 162, 21 160, 167, 168, 170, 22, 75
OUP sectors, regions domestic production end,gdp,logged 22 163, 166, 23, 24, 25, 41, 6, 65
OUTL regions aggregate output (lagged) gdp,lagged,logged,sta 76 129, 132
OUTP regions aggregate output ets,gdp,logged 75 124, 129, 132, 138, 76, 88
OUTX regions shock to output target exo,pct none none
OUY goods, regions composite supply end,gdp,logged 10, 11, 12, 161 110, 13, 162, 173, 21
PBAG regions USD value of permits sold through government exo,gdp none 143
PBAL regions value of permits sold, USD exo,gdp none 97, 98, 99
PCEC regions Price of a CEC del,exo none 163, 165, 166
PED regions Price of GWh before CECs end,idx,logged 165 166
PGDP regions GDP implicit price deflator end,idx,logged 96 none
PIM goods_o, dest, orig landed price of imports end,idx,logged 14 139, 15, 16, 34
PMQ goods_o, regions import landed price index end,idx,logged 16 17, 35
PMR goods_o, regions price of imports incl tariffs end,idx,logged 34 13, 15, 160, 32
POI sec_std, regions sector price of materials end,idx,logged 154 152, 25, 39, 65
PRCE regions household price of energy end,idx,logged 155 149, 67, 82, 86
PRCL regions aggregate price of consumer goods lagged idx,lagged,logged,sta 92 126, 44
PRCO regions household price of material end,idx,logged 156 127, 128, 150, 67, 83, 86
PRCOL regions household price of material - lagged idx,lagged,logged,sta 127 128
PRCT regions aggregate price of consumer goods ets,idx,logged 86 125, 126, 130, 132, 43, 44, 67, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 92, 94
PRD goods, regions post-tax price of goods end,idx,logged 38 160, 164, 21, 32, 73, 75
PRDL regions weighted price of domestic output lag idx,lagged,logged,sta 93 91
PRDX regions shock to weighted price of domestic output exo,pct none none
PRE sec_std, regions sector price of energy end,idx,logged 153 151, 24, 39, 65
PRF sec_std, regions short run profits end,gdp 65 160, 68
PRFT regions total economywide profits end,gdp 68 77
PRFY regions profits on raw capital sector end,gdp 66 160, 68
PRFZ regions imputed short run profits on household capital end,gdp 67 77
PRGT regions aggregate price of government goods end,idx,logged 87 none
PRID regions weighted price of domestic output ets,idx,logged 73 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 116, 130, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 157, 158, 160, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 75, 77, 78, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94
PRIE regions raw capital sector price of energy end,idx,logged 36 27, 29, 40, 66
PRII regions price paid by producers for raw capital end,idx,logged 40 102, 103, 104, 130, 142, 160, 26, 27, 28, 42, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 94
PRIM regions weighted price of imports end,idx,logged 35 17
PRIX regions weighted price of exports end,idx,logged 74 18
PRK sec_std, regions implicit rental price end,idx,logged 41 39, 56
PRKY regions implicit raw capital sector rental price end,idx,logged 42 40, 57
PRKZ regions implicit household rental price end,idx,logged 43 58, 84, 86
PROI regions raw capital sector price of material end,idx,logged 37 28, 30, 40, 66
PRP sectors, regions pre-tax producer price end,idx,logged 166, 39 163, 23, 24, 25, 38, 41, 65
PRS goods, regions producer price of composite end,idx,logged 164, 32 13, 141, 148, 158, 160, 20, 21, 33
PRT sec_std, goods_e, regions sector-specific input price end,idx,logged 148 151, 153
PRX goods_o, regions price of exports at source end,idx,logged 20 14, 18, 74
PRXX regions shock to expected price of consumer goods exo,pct none 44
PRY goods, regions purchase price of composite end,idx,logged 33 134, 135, 136, 149, 150, 152, 154, 155, 156, 158, 163, 165, 29, 30, 36, 37, 87
PTAR regions price level target exo,idx,logged none 132
RATEFEE goods_g, regions Rate fee per model unit del,exo none 163, 165
RB10 regions interest rate, 10-year, real end,pct none none
REER regions trade-weighted real exch rate, FC/domestic end,idx,logged 120 none
REXB region_CHN real exchange rate without capital controls imposed idx,logged,stl 176 177
REXC regions real exchange rate as US$ per unit of region currency cos,idx,intertemporal_constant,logged 118 118, 175, 176
REXL region_CHN real exchange rate without capital controls imposed - lagged idx,lagged,logged,sta 177 none
REXN regions real exchange rate with capital controls end,idx,logged 175 100, 102, 106, 116, 120, 122, 123, 77, 79, 80, 97, 98
RISE sec_std, regions equity risk premium by sector and region del,exo none 56
RISH regions risk premium shock for human wealth del,exo none 101
RISR regions risk premium in the yield curve del,exo none 90
RISW regions risk premium for human wealth del,exo none 101, 78
RISY regions risk premium for raw-capital sector capital del,exo none 57
RISZ regions risk premium for household capital del,exo none 58
ROGY regions potential output growth target exo,pct none 132
RVCTAV regions revenue from ad-valorem input and final demand taxes end,gdp 158 159
RVGS regions revenue from unit taxes end,gdp 157 159
SAVI regions real domestic saving using real interest rates end,gdp 102 none
SAVN regions real domestic saving using nominal interest rates end,gdp 103 none
SAVT regions domestic non-government saving using nominal interest rates end,gdp 104 none
SCON regions nominal shadow tax on CO2. dollar,exo none 148, 149, 155
SHEF sec_std, regions autonomous energy efficiency improvements exo,pct none 24, 39
SHEFC regions consumption autonomous energy efficiency improvements exo,pct none 82, 86
SHK sec_std, regions shock to capital efficiency exo,pct none 39, 41
SHKC regions shock to aggregate consumption exo,gdp none 78
SHKI regions, sec_std shock to inv equation exo,gdp none 50
SHKM regions shock to money demand exo,pct none 88
SHL regions, sec_std shock to labor due to labor-augmenting technical change and/or population growth exo,pct none 23, 39
SHLY regions shock to raw capital sector labor due to labor-augmenting technical change and/or population growth exo,pct none 26, 40
SHLZ regions shock to household capital sector labor due to labor-augmenting technical change and/or population growth exo,pct none 81, 86
SHY sectors, regions shock to total factor productivity exo,pct none 163, 165, 23, 24, 25, 39, 41
SHYY regions shock to raw capital sector total factor productivity exo,pct none 26, 27, 28, 40, 42
SHYZ regions shock to household capital sector total factor productivity exo,pct none 43, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86
STM sec_std, regions stock market value end,gdp,logged 69 100, 70
STMT regions total stock market value end,gdp,logged 70 none
TAX goods, regions sales tax on composite exo,pct none 148, 160, 33
TAXC regions revenue from sales and company taxes end,gdp,logged 160 145
TAXE regions revenue from externality taxes end,gdp 159 145
TAXH regions revenue from taxes on wages end,gdp,logged 142 101, 145
TAXL regions revenue from lump-sum taxes end,gdp 144 101, 145, 77
TAXM regions tariff revenue end,gdp 140 145
TAXS regions exogenous lump sum tax exo,gdp none 144
TAXT regions total revenue end,gdp,logged 145 146
TAXX regions external tax revenue end,gdp 141 145
TBAL regions trade surplus, domestic currency end,gdp 105 106, 132, 94, 95, 98
TBAU regions trade surplus, USD end,gdp 106 99
TBFD regions unit tax on energy dollar,exo none 38
TBFI regions unit tax on energy, imports dollar,exo none 15, 34
TBFX regions unit tax on energy, exports dollar,exo none 20
TCOR regions tax rate on corporate profits exo,pct none 160, 56, 57, 77
TCP goods, regions nonlinear unit tax for CO2 dollar,exo none 15, 20, 34, 38
TCPS sec_std, goods_e, regions nominal sector tax on CO2 dollar,exo none 148, 157
TCPSFD goods_e, regions nominal final demand tax on CO2 dollar,exo none 149, 155, 157
TEX goods, regions extern tax on composite exo,pct none 141, 20
TIF goods_o, dest fta tariff rates exo,pct none 139, 15, 34
TIM goods_o, dest, orig multilateral tariff rates exo,pct none 139, 15, 34
TINC regions tax rate on labor income exo,pct none 142, 77
TITC sec_std, regions investment tax credit rate exo,pct none 160, 56, 59, 65, 69
TITCH regions investment tax credit rate for households exo,pct none 142, 58, 61, 67
TIX goods_o, dest multilateral iceberg costs exo,pct none 15, 34
TOB sec_std, regions marginal q, TOB.NC end,logged,pct 59 50, 62
TOBY regions marginal Q, raw capital sector end,logged,pct 60 54, 63
TOBZ regions marginal Q, households end,logged,pct 61 55, 64
TPA sec_std, regions partial adjustment q logged,pct,sta 62 50, 62
TPAY regions partial adjustment Q, raw capital sector logged,pct,sta 63 54, 63
TPAZ regions partial adjustment Q, households logged,pct,sta 64 55, 64
TRAN regions total transfers end,gdp 138 101, 146, 77
TRANX regions exogenous transfers exo,gdp none 138
TXGS sec_std, goods_e, regions unit tax on goods to sectors dollar,exo none 148, 157
TXM goods_o, dest tariff revenue by good end,gdp 139 140
WAG sec_std, regions sector wage end,idx,logged 46 101, 142, 23, 39, 65, 77
WAGE regions wage rate idx,intertemporal_constant,logged,sta 44 101, 132, 142, 26, 40, 44, 45, 46, 66, 67, 77, 81, 86
WAGG regions government wage end,idx,logged 45 101, 137, 142, 77
WELH regions human wealth cos,gdp,intertemporal_constant,logged 101 100, 101
WELT regions total wealth end,gdp,logged 100 78
YGRO regions output growth end,pct 129 none
YRATN regions GDP ratio, nominal exo,pct none none
YRATP regions GDP ratio, PPP exo,pct none none
YRATR regions GDP ratio, real exo,pct none none
Name Domain Description
adapt regions rate of closure TOB-TPA gap
aeye currency, owner identity matrix
ainv owner, abroad inverse of I-ashr
alph_rex regions weight on shadow real exchange rate in CA intervention
ashr currency, owner asset split among currencies
base_jk sec_std, regions base J/K
btucoef goods, regions emissions coefficients, energy
carcoef goods, regions emissions coefficients, co2 on energy
cd_df goods_o, regions 1 if Cobb-Douglas, 0 if CES
cd_e sectors, regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_ed regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_eH regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_eR regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_ff goods_o, dest 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_m sectors, regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_mH regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_mR regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_o sectors, regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_oH regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
cd_oR regions 1 if cd, 0 if ces
co2coef sec_std, goods_e, regions emissions coefficients, co2 on inputs
co2coefFD goods_e, regions emissions coefficients, co2 on final demand
credfac goods, regions per GWh eligibility for REC
delta regions depreciation rate
delta_dom goods_o, regions domestic weight in CES function combining domestic and foreign sources
delta_e regions, sec_std, goods_e input weights, individ goods
delta_ed regions, goods_g input weights, individ goods
delta_eG goods_e, regions gov budget shares on energy goods
delta_eH goods_e, regions input weights, individ goods
delta_eR goods_e, regions input weights on individual energy goods
delta_ff goods_o, dest, orig foreign source weights in FF
delta_m regions, sec_std, goods_m input weights, individ goods
delta_mG goods_m, regions gov budget shares on materials goods
delta_mH goods_m, regions input weights, individ goods
delta_mR goods_m, regions input weights on individual materials goods
delta_o factors, sec_std, regions input weights, KLEM tier
delta_oG factors, regions gov KLEM budget shares
delta_oH factors, regions input weights, KLEM tier
delta_oR factors, regions input weights, KLEM tier
eer_weight dest, orig trade weights, NEER and REER
fore_c regions shr of C driven by foresight
fore_i_y regions shr of I driven by foresight in capital sector
fore_i_z regions shr of I driven by foresight in household capital
forei sec_std, regions shr of I driven by foresight std sector
FTA dest, orig free trade area tariff flag
government_emission_intensity gases, goods_oc, regions emissions intensities for government
gwhcoef goods, regions GWh per unit of output
household_emission_intensity gases, goods_oc, regions emissions intensities for households
int_elast regions interest elasticity of money demand
labgrow regions growth of effective labor
makeinv goods, sectors, regions inverse of make table
mongdp regions coefficient on MONE in WELT
mpc regions marginal propensity to consume
mrule_1 regions weight on CPI inflation in monetary rule
mrule_10 regions weight on nominal GDP in monetary rule
mrule_11 regions weight on nominal gross output in monetary rule
mrule_12 regions weight on nominal gross output net of trade in monetary rule
mrule_13 regions weight on expected CPI inflation in monetary rule
mrule_14 regions weight on expected real output growth in monetary rule
mrule_15 regions weight on nominal GNE in monetary rule
mrule_2 regions weight on PPI inflation in monetary rule
mrule_3 regions weight on Core inflation in monetary rule
mrule_4 regions weight on CPI level in monetary rule
mrule_5 regions weight on PPI level in monetary rule
mrule_6 regions weight on wage in monetary rule
mrule_7 regions weight on wage growth in monetary rule
mrule_8 regions weight on real output growth in monetary rule
mrule_9 regions weight on nominal gross output growth in monetary rule
mrule_ex regions weight on exchange rate in monetary rule
mrule_r regions weight on lag interest rate in monetary rule
MUL dest, orig multilateral tariff flag
phi sec_std, regions adjustment cost parameter std sector
phi_y regions adjustment cost parameter capital sector
phi_z regions adjustment cost parameter household capital
prid_weight goods, regions weights in PRID
prim_weight goods_o, regions weights in PRIM
prix_weight goods_o, regions weights in PRIX
sector_capital_emission_intensity gases, sec_std, regions sector capital emissions intensities
sector_input_emission_intensity gases, goods_oc, sec_std, regions sector input good emissions intensity
sector_labor_emission_intensity gases, sec_std, regions sector labor emissions intensities
sector_output_emission_intensity gases, sec_std, regions sector output emissions intensities
sigma_df goods_o, regions elasticity of substitution between domestic and foreign sources
sigma_e sectors, regions subs elast, E tier
sigma_ed regions elasticity of substitution in the electricity distributio sector production function - G tier
sigma_eH regions subs elast, E tier
sigma_eR regions subs elast, E tier
sigma_ff goods_o, dest subs elast between F sources
sigma_m sectors, regions subs elast, M tier
sigma_mH regions subs elast, M tier
sigma_mR regions subs elast, M tier
sigma_o sectors, regions subs elast, KLEM tier
sigma_oH regions subs elast, KLEM tier
sigma_oR regions subs elast, KLEM tier
timepref regions time preference rate
transgdp regions transfers per unit of GDP
wage_p regions exp infl weight in wage equation
wage_q regions employment parameter in wage equation
Equation 1: EMH
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EMH}{EMH(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g4 \; \text{in} \; \href{#gases}{gases}} { \left(\sum_{g34 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_oc}{goods\_oc}} { \left(\href{#household_emission_intensity}{household\_emission\_intensity(g4,g34,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#CON}{CON(g34,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 2: EMG
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EMG}{EMG(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g4 \; \text{in} \; \href{#gases}{gases}} { \left(\sum_{g34 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_oc}{goods\_oc}} { \left(\href{#government_emission_intensity}{government\_emission\_intensity(g4,g34,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#GCE}{GCE(g34,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 3: EMSI
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#EMSI}{EMSI(s1,r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g4 \; \text{in} \; \href{#gases}{gases}} { \left(\sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#sector_input_emission_intensity}{sector\_input\_emission\_intensity(g4,g28,s1,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#EN}{EN(s1,g28,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } +\sum_{g4 \; \text{in} \; \href{#gases}{gases}} { \left(\sum_{g31 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_mc}{goods\_mc}} { \left(\href{#sector_input_emission_intensity}{sector\_input\_emission\_intensity(g4,g31,s1,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#OI}{OI(s1,g31,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 4: EMSL
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#EMSL}{EMSL(s1,r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g4 \; \text{in} \; \href{#gases}{gases}} { \left(\href{#sector_labor_emission_intensity}{sector\_labor\_emission\_intensity(g4,s1,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#LAB}{LAB(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 5: EMSK
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#EMSK}{EMSK(s1,r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g4 \; \text{in} \; \href{#gases}{gases}} { \left(\href{#sector_capital_emission_intensity}{sector\_capital\_emission\_intensity(g4,s1,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 6: EMSO
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#EMSO}{EMSO(s1,r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g4 \; \text{in} \; \href{#gases}{gases}} { \left(\href{#sector_output_emission_intensity}{sector\_output\_emission\_intensity(g4,s1,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#OUP}{OUP(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 7: EMS
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#EMS}{EMS(s1,r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#EMSI}{EMSI(s1,r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#EMSL}{EMSL(s1,r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#EMSK}{EMSK(s1,r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#EMSO}{EMSO(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 8: EMR
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EMR}{EMR(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#EMH}{EMH(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#EMG}{EMG(r10)}\right) } +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#EMS}{EMS(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 9: EXCH
\[ \href{#EXCH}{EXCH(\text{USA})} = 0 \]
Equation 10: OUY
For g28 in goods_e, r10 in regions (50 total):
\[ \href{#OUY}{OUY(g28,r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#CON}{CON(g28,r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#IIN}{IIN(g28,r10)}\right) } +\href{#INS}{INS(r10,g28)} +exp{ \left(\href{#GCE}{GCE(g28,r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#EXQ}{EXQ(g28,r10)}\right) } +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#EN}{EN(s1,g28,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 11: OUY
For g31 in goods_mc, r10 in regions (80 total):
\[ \href{#OUY}{OUY(g31,r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#CON}{CON(g31,r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#IIN}{IIN(g31,r10)}\right) } +\href{#INS}{INS(r10,g31)} +exp{ \left(\href{#GCE}{GCE(g31,r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#EXQ}{EXQ(g31,r10)}\right) } +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#OI}{OI(s1,g31,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 12: OUY
For g9 in good_durable_manufacturing, r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#OUY}{OUY(g9,r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#IIN}{IIN(g9,r10)}\right) } +\href{#INS}{INS(r10,g9)} +exp{ \left(\href{#GCE}{GCE(g9,r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#EXQ}{EXQ(g9,r10)}\right) } +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#OI}{OI(s1,g9,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 13: IMQ
For g33 in goods_o, r10 in regions (140 total):
\[ \href{#IMQ}{IMQ(g33,r10)} = ln{ \left(1-\href{#delta_dom}{delta\_dom(g33,r10)}\right) } +\href{#OUY}{OUY(g33,r10)} +\href{#sigma_df}{sigma\_df(g33,r10)} *{(\href{#PRS}{PRS(g33,r10)}-\href{#PMR}{PMR(g33,r10)})} \]
Equation 14: PIM
For d in dest, g33 in goods_o, o1 in orig (1400 total):
\[ \href{#PIM}{PIM(g33,d,o1)} = \href{#EXCH}{EXCH(o1)}+\href{#PRX}{PRX(g33,o1)} -\href{#EXCH}{EXCH(d)} \]
Equation 15: IMP
For d in dest, g33 in goods_o, o1 in orig (1400 total):
\[ \href{#IMP}{IMP(g33,d,o1)} = ln{ \left( \href{#delta_ff}{delta\_ff(g33,d,o1)} *exp{ \left(\href{#IMQ}{IMQ(g33,d)}\right) } *{(\href{#carcoef}{carcoef(g33,d)}*\href{#TCP}{TCP(g33,d)} +\href{#btucoef}{btucoef(g33,d)}*\href{#TBFI}{TBFI(d)} +\href{#BCT}{BCT(g33,d,o1)} +{(1 +{(\href{#TIM}{TIM(g33,d,o1)}+\href{#TIX}{TIX(g33,d)})} *\href{#MUL}{MUL(d,o1)} +\href{#TIF}{TIF(g33,d)}*\href{#FTA}{FTA(d,o1)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#PIM}{PIM(g33,d,o1)}-\href{#PMR}{PMR(g33,d)}\right) })} ^{(-\href{#sigma_ff}{sigma\_ff(g33,d)})} +\href{#IMPX}{IMPX(g33,d,o1)}\right) } \]
Equation 16: PMQ
For d in dest, g33 in goods_o (140 total):
\[ \href{#PMQ}{PMQ(g33,d)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{o1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#orig}{orig}} { \left(exp{ \left( \href{#IMP}{IMP(g33,d,o1)}+\href{#PIM}{PIM(g33,d,o1)}\right) }\right) }\right) } -\href{#IMQ}{IMQ(g33,d)} \]
Equation 17: IMQT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#IMQT}{IMQT(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(exp{ \left( \href{#PMQ}{PMQ(g33,r10)}+\href{#IMQ}{IMQ(g33,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } -\href{#PRIM}{PRIM(r10)} \]
Equation 18: EXQT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EXQT}{EXQT(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(exp{ \left( \href{#PRX}{PRX(g33,r10)}+\href{#EXQ}{EXQ(g33,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } -\href{#PRIX}{PRIX(r10)} \]
Equation 19: EXQ
For g33 in goods_o, o1 in orig (140 total):
\[ \href{#EXQ}{EXQ(g33,o1)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{d \; \text{in} \; \href{#dest}{dest}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#IMP}{IMP(g33,d,o1)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 20: PRX
For g33 in goods_o, r10 in regions (140 total):
\[ \href{#PRX}{PRX(g33,r10)} = ln{ \left( {(1+\href{#TEX}{TEX(g33,r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRS}{PRS(g33,r10)}\right) } -\href{#carcoef}{carcoef(g33,r10)}*\href{#TCP}{TCP(g33,r10)} +\href{#btucoef}{btucoef(g33,r10)}*\href{#TBFX}{TBFX(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 21: OUG
For g33 in goods_o, r10 in regions (140 total):
\[ \href{#OUG}{OUG(g33,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_dom}{delta\_dom(g33,r10)}\right) } +\href{#OUY}{OUY(g33,r10)} +\href{#sigma_df}{sigma\_df(g33,r10)} *{(\href{#PRS}{PRS(g33,r10)}-\href{#PRD}{PRD(g33,r10)})} \]
Equation 22: OUP
For r10 in regions, s25 in sectors (220 total):
\[ \href{#OUP}{OUP(s25,r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g27 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods}{goods}} { \left(\href{#makeinv}{makeinv(g27,s25,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#OUG}{OUG(g27,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 23: LAB
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#LAB}{LAB(s1,r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)}-1)} *{(\href{#SHL}{SHL(r10,s1)}+\href{#SHY}{SHY(s1,r10)})} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{l},s1,r10)}\right) } +\href{#OUP}{OUP(s1,r10)} +\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)} *{(\href{#PRP}{PRP(s1,r10)}-\href{#WAG}{WAG(s1,r10)})} \]
Equation 24: ENT
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#ENT}{ENT(s1,r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)}-1)} *{(\href{#SHEF}{SHEF(s1,r10)}+\href{#SHY}{SHY(s1,r10)})} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{e},s1,r10)}\right) } +\href{#OUP}{OUP(s1,r10)} +\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)} *{(\href{#PRP}{PRP(s1,r10)}-\href{#PRE}{PRE(s1,r10)})} \]
Equation 25: OIN
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#OIN}{OIN(s1,r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)}-1)}*\href{#SHY}{SHY(s1,r10)} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{m},s1,r10)}\right) } +\href{#OUP}{OUP(s1,r10)} +\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)} *{(\href{#PRP}{PRP(s1,r10)}-\href{#POI}{POI(s1,r10)})} \]
Equation 26: IITL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#IITL}{IITL(r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)}-1)} *{(\href{#SHLY}{SHLY(r10)}+\href{#SHYY}{SHYY(r10)})} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{l},r10)}\right) } +\href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)} +\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)} *{(\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}-\href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)})} \]
Equation 27: IITE
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#IITE}{IITE(r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)}-1)}*\href{#SHYY}{SHYY(r10)} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{e},r10)}\right) } +\href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)} +\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)} *{(\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}-\href{#PRIE}{PRIE(r10)})} \]
Equation 28: IITO
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#IITO}{IITO(r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)}-1)}*\href{#SHYY}{SHYY(r10)} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{m},r10)}\right) } +\href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)} +\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)} *{(\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}-\href{#PROI}{PROI(r10)})} \]
Equation 29: IIN
For g28 in goods_e, r10 in regions (50 total):
\[ \href{#IIN}{IIN(g28,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_eR}{delta\_eR(g28,r10)}\right) } +\href{#IITE}{IITE(r10)} +\href{#sigma_eR}{sigma\_eR(r10)} *{(\href{#PRIE}{PRIE(r10)}-\href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)})} \]
Equation 30: IIN
For g30 in goods_m, r10 in regions (90 total):
\[ \href{#IIN}{IIN(g30,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_mR}{delta\_mR(g30,r10)}\right) } +\href{#IITO}{IITO(r10)} +\href{#sigma_mR}{sigma\_mR(r10)} *{(\href{#PROI}{PROI(r10)}-\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)})} \]
Equation 31: LABO
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#LABO}{LABO(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#IITL}{IITL(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#CNPL}{CNPL(r10)}\right) } +\href{#GOVL}{GOVL(r10)} +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#LAB}{LAB(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 32: PRS
For g33 in goods_o, r10 in regions (140 total):
\[ \href{#PRS}{PRS(g33,r10)} = \href{#cd_df}{cd\_df(g33,r10)} *{(\href{#delta_dom}{delta\_dom(g33,r10)}*\href{#PRD}{PRD(g33,r10)} +{(1-\href{#delta_dom}{delta\_dom(g33,r10)})} *\href{#PMR}{PMR(g33,r10)})} +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_df}{cd\_df(g33,r10)})} *ln{ \left( \href{#delta_dom}{delta\_dom(g33,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRD}{PRD(g33,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_df}{sigma\_df(g33,r10)})} +{(1-\href{#delta_dom}{delta\_dom(g33,r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#PMR}{PMR(g33,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_df}{sigma\_df(g33,r10)})}\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_df}{sigma\_df(g33,r10)} *{(1-\href{#cd_df}{cd\_df(g33,r10)})})}} \]
Equation 33: PRY
For g27 in goods, r10 in regions (220 total):
\[ \href{#PRY}{PRY(g27,r10)} = ln{ \left(1+\href{#TAX}{TAX(g27,r10)}\right) } +\href{#PRS}{PRS(g27,r10)} \]
Equation 34: PMR
For d in dest, g33 in goods_o (140 total):
\[ \href{#PMR}{PMR(g33,d)} = 0.0 +\href{#cd_ff}{cd\_ff(g33,d)} *\sum_{o1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#orig}{orig}} { \left(\href{#delta_ff}{delta\_ff(g33,d,o1)} *ln{ \left( \href{#carcoef}{carcoef(g33,d)}*\href{#TCP}{TCP(g33,d)} +\href{#btucoef}{btucoef(g33,d)}*\href{#TBFI}{TBFI(d)} +\href{#BCT}{BCT(g33,d,o1)} +{(1 +{(\href{#TIM}{TIM(g33,d,o1)}+\href{#TIX}{TIX(g33,d)})} *\href{#MUL}{MUL(d,o1)} +\href{#TIF}{TIF(g33,d)}*\href{#FTA}{FTA(d,o1)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#PIM}{PIM(g33,d,o1)}\right) }\right) }\right) } +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_ff}{cd\_ff(g33,d)})} *ln{ \left( \sum_{o1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#orig}{orig}} { \left(\href{#delta_ff}{delta\_ff(g33,d,o1)} *{(\href{#carcoef}{carcoef(g33,d)}*\href{#TCP}{TCP(g33,d)} +\href{#btucoef}{btucoef(g33,d)}*\href{#TBFI}{TBFI(d)} +\href{#BCT}{BCT(g33,d,o1)} +{(1 +{(\href{#TIM}{TIM(g33,d,o1)}+\href{#TIX}{TIX(g33,d)})} *\href{#MUL}{MUL(d,o1)} +\href{#TIF}{TIF(g33,d)}*\href{#FTA}{FTA(d,o1)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#PIM}{PIM(g33,d,o1)}\right) })} ^{(1-\href{#sigma_ff}{sigma\_ff(g33,d)})}\right) }\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_ff}{sigma\_ff(g33,d)}*{(1-\href{#cd_ff}{cd\_ff(g33,d)})})}} \]
Equation 35: PRIM
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRIM}{PRIM(r10)} = \sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#prim_weight}{prim\_weight(g33,r10)} *\href{#PMQ}{PMQ(g33,r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 36: PRIE
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRIE}{PRIE(r10)} = \href{#cd_eR}{cd\_eR(r10)} *\sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#delta_eR}{delta\_eR(g28,r10)}*\href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)}\right) } +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_eR}{cd\_eR(r10)})} *ln{ \left( \sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#delta_eR}{delta\_eR(g28,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_eR}{sigma\_eR(r10)})}\right) }\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_eR}{sigma\_eR(r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_eR}{cd\_eR(r10)})})}} \]
Equation 37: PROI
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PROI}{PROI(r10)} = \href{#cd_mR}{cd\_mR(r10)} *\sum_{g30 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_m}{goods\_m}} { \left(\href{#delta_mR}{delta\_mR(g30,r10)}*\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)}\right) } +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_mR}{cd\_mR(r10)})} *ln{ \left( \sum_{g30 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_m}{goods\_m}} { \left(\href{#delta_mR}{delta\_mR(g30,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_mR}{sigma\_mR(r10)})}\right) }\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_mR}{sigma\_mR(r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_mR}{cd\_mR(r10)})})}} \]
Equation 38: PRD
For g27 in goods, r10 in regions (220 total):
\[ \href{#PRD}{PRD(g27,r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left( \sum_{s25 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sectors}{sectors}} { \left(\href{#makeinv}{makeinv(g27,s25,r10)}*\href{#PRP}{PRP(s25,r10)}\right) }\right) } +\href{#carcoef}{carcoef(g27,r10)}*\href{#TCP}{TCP(g27,r10)} +\href{#btucoef}{btucoef(g27,r10)}*\href{#TBFD}{TBFD(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 39: PRP
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#PRP}{PRP(s1,r10)} = \href{#cd_o}{cd\_o(s1,r10)} *{(\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{k},s1,r10)} *\href{#PRK}{PRK(s1,r10)} +\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{l},s1,r10)} *\href{#WAG}{WAG(s1,r10)} +\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{e},s1,r10)} *\href{#PRE}{PRE(s1,r10)} +\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{m},s1,r10)} *\href{#POI}{POI(s1,r10)} -\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{l},s1,r10)} *\href{#SHL}{SHL(r10,s1)} -\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{k},s1,r10)} *\href{#SHK}{SHK(s1,r10)} -\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{e},s1,r10)} *\href{#SHEF}{SHEF(s1,r10)})} +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_o}{cd\_o(s1,r10)})} *ln{ \left( \href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{k},s1,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRK}{PRK(s1,r10)}-\href{#SHK}{SHK(s1,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)})} +\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{l},s1,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#WAG}{WAG(s1,r10)}-\href{#SHL}{SHL(r10,s1)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)})} +\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{e},s1,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRE}{PRE(s1,r10)}-\href{#SHEF}{SHEF(s1,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)})} +\href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{m},s1,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#POI}{POI(s1,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)})}\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_o}{cd\_o(s1,r10)})})}} -\href{#SHY}{SHY(s1,r10)} \]
Equation 40: PRII
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)} = \href{#cd_oR}{cd\_oR(r10)} *{(\href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{k},r10)} *\href{#PRKY}{PRKY(r10)} +\href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{l},r10)} *\href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)} +\href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{e},r10)} *\href{#PRIE}{PRIE(r10)} +\href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{m},r10)} *\href{#PROI}{PROI(r10)} -\href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{l},r10)} *\href{#SHLY}{SHLY(r10)})} +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_oR}{cd\_oR(r10)})} *ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{k},r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRKY}{PRKY(r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)})} +\href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{l},r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}-\href{#SHLY}{SHLY(r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)})} +\href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{e},r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRIE}{PRIE(r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)})} +\href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{m},r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PROI}{PROI(r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)})}\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_oR}{cd\_oR(r10)})})}} -\href{#SHYY}{SHYY(r10)} \]
Equation 41: PRK
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#PRK}{PRK(s1,r10)} = \href{#PRP}{PRP(s1,r10)} +\frac{{(ln{ \left( \href{#delta_o}{delta\_o(\text{k},s1,r10)}\right) } +\href{#OUP}{OUP(s1,r10)} -\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)})}}{\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)}} +\frac{{({(\href{#SHY}{SHY(s1,r10)}+\href{#SHK}{SHK(s1,r10)})} *{(\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)}-1)})}}{\href{#sigma_o}{sigma\_o(s1,r10)}} \]
Equation 42: PRKY
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRKY}{PRKY(r10)} = \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)} +\frac{{(ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oR}{delta\_oR(\text{k},r10)}\right) } +\href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)} -\href{#CAPY}{CAPY(r10)})}}{\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)}} +\frac{{(\href{#SHYY}{SHYY(r10)}*{(\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)}-1)})}}{\href{#sigma_oR}{sigma\_oR(r10)}} \]
Equation 43: PRKZ
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRKZ}{PRKZ(r10)} = \href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)} +\frac{{(ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{k},r10)}\right) } +\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)} -\href{#CAPZ}{CAPZ(r10)})}}{\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)}} +\frac{{(\href{#SHYZ}{SHYZ(r10)}*{(\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)}-1)})}}{\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)}} \]
Equation 44: WAGE
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}}) = \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)} +\href{#wage_p}{wage\_p(r10)} *{(lead({\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}})+\href{#PRXX}{PRXX(r10)} -\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)})} +{(1-\href{#wage_p}{wage\_p(r10)})} *{(\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}-\href{#PRCL}{PRCL(r10)})} +\href{#wage_q}{wage\_q(r10)}*\href{#LABO}{LABO(r10)} \]
Equation 45: WAGG
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#WAGG}{WAGG(r10)} = \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)} \]
Equation 46: WAG
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#WAG}{WAG(s1,r10)} = \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)} \]
Equation 47: CAP
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ lead({\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)}}) = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#JNV}{JNV(s1,r10)}\right) } +{(1-\href{#delta}{delta(r10)}-\href{#labgrow}{labgrow(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 48: CAPY
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#CAPY}{CAPY(r10)}}) = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#JNVY}{JNVY(r10)}\right) } +{(1-\href{#delta}{delta(r10)}-\href{#labgrow}{labgrow(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#CAPY}{CAPY(r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 49: CAPZ
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#CAPZ}{CAPZ(r10)}}) = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#JNVZ}{JNVZ(r10)}\right) } +{(1-\href{#delta}{delta(r10)}-\href{#labgrow}{labgrow(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#CAPZ}{CAPZ(r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 50: INV
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#INV}{INV(s1,r10)} = ln{ \left( \frac{{({(1 +0.5 *{(exp{ \left(\href{#TOB}{TOB(s1,r10)}\right) } -1)})} *{(exp{ \left(\href{#TOB}{TOB(s1,r10)}\right) } -1)} *exp{ \left(\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)}\right) })}}{\href{#phi}{phi(s1,r10)}} *\href{#forei}{forei(s1,r10)} +\frac{{({(1 +0.5 *{(exp{ \left(\href{#TPA}{TPA(s1,r10)}\right) } -1)})} *{(exp{ \left(\href{#TPA}{TPA(s1,r10)}\right) } -1)} *exp{ \left(\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)}\right) })}}{\href{#phi}{phi(s1,r10)}} *{(1-\href{#forei}{forei(s1,r10)})} +\href{#SHKI}{SHKI(r10,s1)}\right) } \]
Equation 51: JNV
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#JNV}{JNV(s1,r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#INV}{INV(s1,r10)}\right) } +\frac{\href{#phi}{phi(s1,r10)}}{2}*\href{#base_jk}{base\_jk(s1,r10)}^2 *exp{ \left(\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) } -ln{ \left( 1 +\href{#phi}{phi(s1,r10)}*\href{#base_jk}{base\_jk(s1,r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 52: INVY
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INVY}{INVY(r10)} = \href{#JNVY}{JNVY(r10)} +ln{ \left( 1 +\frac{\href{#phi_y}{phi\_y(r10)}}{2} *exp{ \left( \href{#JNVY}{JNVY(r10)}-\href{#CAPY}{CAPY(r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 53: INVZ
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INVZ}{INVZ(r10)} = \href{#JNVZ}{JNVZ(r10)} +ln{ \left( 1 +\frac{\href{#phi_z}{phi\_z(r10)}}{2} *exp{ \left( \href{#JNVZ}{JNVZ(r10)}-\href{#CAPZ}{CAPZ(r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 54: JNVY
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#JNVY}{JNVY(r10)} = \href{#CAPY}{CAPY(r10)} +ln{ \left( \href{#fore_i_y}{fore\_i\_y(r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#TOBY}{TOBY(r10)}\right) } +{(1-\href{#fore_i_y}{fore\_i\_y(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#TPAY}{TPAY(r10)}\right) } -1\right) } -ln{ \left(\href{#phi_y}{phi\_y(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 55: JNVZ
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#JNVZ}{JNVZ(r10)} = \href{#CAPZ}{CAPZ(r10)} +ln{ \left( \href{#fore_i_z}{fore\_i\_z(r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#TOBZ}{TOBZ(r10)}\right) } +{(1-\href{#fore_i_z}{fore\_i\_z(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#TPAZ}{TPAZ(r10)}\right) } -1\right) } -ln{ \left(\href{#phi_z}{phi\_z(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 56: LAM
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ lead({\href{#LAM}{LAM(s1,r10)}}) = ln{ \left( {(1+\href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)}+\href{#RISE}{RISE(s1,r10)} +\href{#delta}{delta(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#LAM}{LAM(s1,r10)}\right) } -{(1-\href{#TCOR}{TCOR(r10)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRK}{PRK(s1,r10)}-\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } -{(1-\href{#TITC}{TITC(s1,r10)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}-\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} +2 *{(\href{#JNV}{JNV(s1,r10)}-\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)})}\right) } *\frac{\href{#phi}{phi(s1,r10)}}{2}\right) } \]
Equation 57: LAMY
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#LAMY}{LAMY(r10)}}) = ln{ \left( {(1+\href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)}+\href{#RISY}{RISY(r10)} +\href{#delta}{delta(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#LAMY}{LAMY(r10)}\right) } -{(1-\href{#TCOR}{TCOR(r10)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRKY}{PRKY(r10)}-\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}-\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} +2 *{(\href{#JNVY}{JNVY(r10)}-\href{#CAPY}{CAPY(r10)})}\right) } *\frac{\href{#phi_y}{phi\_y(r10)}}{2}\right) } \]
Equation 58: LAMZ
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#LAMZ}{LAMZ(r10)}}) = ln{ \left( {(1+\href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)}+\href{#RISZ}{RISZ(r10)} +\href{#delta}{delta(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#LAMZ}{LAMZ(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#PRKZ}{PRKZ(r10)}-\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } -{(1-\href{#TITCH}{TITCH(r10)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}-\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} +2 *{(\href{#JNVZ}{JNVZ(r10)}-\href{#CAPZ}{CAPZ(r10)})}\right) } *\frac{\href{#phi_z}{phi\_z(r10)}}{2}\right) } \]
Equation 59: TOB
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#TOB}{TOB(s1,r10)} = \href{#LAM}{LAM(s1,r10)} +\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}-\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)} -ln{ \left(1-\href{#TITC}{TITC(s1,r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 60: TOBY
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TOBY}{TOBY(r10)} = \href{#LAMY}{LAMY(r10)} +\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}-\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)} \]
Equation 61: TOBZ
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TOBZ}{TOBZ(r10)} = \href{#LAMZ}{LAMZ(r10)} +\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}-\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)} -ln{ \left(1-\href{#TITCH}{TITCH(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 62: TPA
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ lead({\href{#TPA}{TPA(s1,r10)}}) = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#TPA}{TPA(s1,r10)}\right) } +\href{#adapt}{adapt(r10)} *{(exp{ \left(\href{#TOB}{TOB(s1,r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left(\href{#TPA}{TPA(s1,r10)}\right) })}\right) } \]
Equation 63: TPAY
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#TPAY}{TPAY(r10)}}) = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#TPAY}{TPAY(r10)}\right) } +\href{#adapt}{adapt(r10)} *{(exp{ \left(\href{#TOBY}{TOBY(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left(\href{#TPAY}{TPAY(r10)}\right) })}\right) } \]
Equation 64: TPAZ
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#TPAZ}{TPAZ(r10)}}) = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#TPAZ}{TPAZ(r10)}\right) } +\href{#adapt}{adapt(r10)} *{(exp{ \left(\href{#TOBZ}{TOBZ(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left(\href{#TPAZ}{TPAZ(r10)}\right) })}\right) } \]
Equation 65: PRF
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#PRF}{PRF(s1,r10)} = \frac{{(exp{ \left( \href{#OUP}{OUP(s1,r10)}+\href{#PRP}{PRP(s1,r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#ENT}{ENT(s1,r10)}+\href{#PRE}{PRE(s1,r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#LAB}{LAB(s1,r10)}+\href{#WAG}{WAG(s1,r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#OIN}{OIN(s1,r10)}+\href{#POI}{POI(s1,r10)}\right) } -{(1-\href{#TITC}{TITC(s1,r10)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#INV}{INV(s1,r10)}+\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}\right) })}}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }} \]
Equation 66: PRFY
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRFY}{PRFY(r10)} = \frac{{(exp{ \left( \href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)}+\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#IITE}{IITE(r10)}+\href{#PRIE}{PRIE(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#IITL}{IITL(r10)}+\href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#IITO}{IITO(r10)}+\href{#PROI}{PROI(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#INVY}{INVY(r10)}+\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}\right) })}}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }} \]
Equation 67: PRFZ
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRFZ}{PRFZ(r10)} = \frac{{(exp{ \left( \href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)}+\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#CNPE}{CNPE(r10)}+\href{#PRCE}{PRCE(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#CNPL}{CNPL(r10)}+\href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left( \href{#CNPO}{CNPO(r10)}+\href{#PRCO}{PRCO(r10)}\right) } -{(1-\href{#TITCH}{TITCH(r10)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#INVZ}{INVZ(r10)}+\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}\right) })}}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }} \]
Equation 68: PRFT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRFT}{PRFT(r10)} = \sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(\href{#PRF}{PRF(s1,r10)}\right) } +\href{#PRFY}{PRFY(r10)} \]
Equation 69: STM
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#STM}{STM(s1,r10)} = \href{#LAM}{LAM(s1,r10)}+\href{#CAP}{CAP(s1,r10)} -ln{ \left(1-\href{#TITC}{TITC(s1,r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 70: STMT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#STMT}{STMT(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#STM}{STM(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 71: INVP
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INVP}{INVP(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#INV}{INV(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 72: INVT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#INVY}{INVY(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#INVZ}{INVZ(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#INVP}{INVP(r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 73: PRID
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} = \sum_{g27 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods}{goods}} { \left(\href{#prid_weight}{prid\_weight(g27,r10)} *\href{#PRD}{PRD(g27,r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 74: PRIX
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRIX}{PRIX(r10)} = \sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#prix_weight}{prix\_weight(g33,r10)} *\href{#PRX}{PRX(g33,r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 75: OUTP
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g27 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods}{goods}} { \left(exp{ \left( \href{#PRD}{PRD(g27,r10)}+\href{#OUG}{OUG(g27,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } -\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} \]
Equation 76: OUTL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#OUTL}{OUTL(r10)}}) = \href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)} \]
Equation 77: INCM
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INCM}{INCM(r10)} = ln{ \left( \href{#TRAN}{TRAN(r10)}-\href{#TAXL}{TAXL(r10)} +\href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)}*\href{#BOND}{BOND(r10)} +\frac{\href{#IRAS}{IRAS(r10)}}{exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(r10)}\right) }} +\href{#PRFZ}{PRFZ(r10)} +{(1-\href{#TCOR}{TCOR(r10)})}*\href{#PRFT}{PRFT(r10)} +\frac{{({(1-\href{#TINC}{TINC(r10)})} *{(exp{ \left( \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}+\href{#IITL}{IITL(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}+\href{#CNPL}{CNPL(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#WAGG}{WAGG(r10)}\right) } *\href{#GOVL}{GOVL(r10)} +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left( \href{#WAG}{WAG(s1,r10)}+\href{#LAB}{LAB(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) })})}}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }}\right) } \]
Equation 78: CONP
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)} = ln{ \left( \href{#fore_c}{fore\_c(r10)} *{(\href{#timepref}{timepref(r10)}+\href{#RISW}{RISW(r10)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#WELT}{WELT(r10)}+\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} -\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}\right) } +{(1-\href{#fore_c}{fore\_c(r10)})}*\href{#mpc}{mpc(r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#INCM}{INCM(r10)}+\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} -\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}\right) } +\href{#SHKC}{SHKC(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 79: IRAS
For o2 in owner (10 total):
\[ \href{#IRAS}{IRAS(o2)} = \sum_{c \; \text{in} \; \href{#currency}{currency}} { \left(\href{#INTR}{INTR(c)} *exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(c)}\right) } *\href{#ASSE}{ASSE(c,o2)}\right) } \]
Equation 80: INAS
For o2 in owner (10 total):
\[ \href{#INAS}{INAS(o2)} = \sum_{c \; \text{in} \; \href{#currency}{currency}} { \left(\href{#INTN}{INTN(c)} *exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(c)}\right) } *\href{#ASSE}{ASSE(c,o2)}\right) } \]
Equation 81: CNPL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#CNPL}{CNPL(r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)}-1)} *{(\href{#SHLZ}{SHLZ(r10)}+\href{#SHYZ}{SHYZ(r10)})} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{l},r10)}\right) } +\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)} +\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)} *{(\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}-\href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)})} \]
Equation 82: CNPE
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#CNPE}{CNPE(r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)}-1)} *{(\href{#SHEFC}{SHEFC(r10)}+\href{#SHYZ}{SHYZ(r10)})} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{e},r10)}\right) } +\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)} +\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)} *{(\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}-\href{#PRCE}{PRCE(r10)})} \]
Equation 83: CNPO
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#CNPO}{CNPO(r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)}-1)}*\href{#SHYZ}{SHYZ(r10)} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{m},r10)}\right) } +\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)} +\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)} *{(\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}-\href{#PRCO}{PRCO(r10)})} \]
Equation 84: CNPK
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#CNPK}{CNPK(r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)}-1)}*\href{#SHYZ}{SHYZ(r10)} +ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{k},r10)}\right) } +\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)} +\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)} *{(\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}-\href{#PRKZ}{PRKZ(r10)})} \]
Equation 85: FDEN
For g28 in goods_e, r10 in regions (50 total):
\[ \href{#FDEN}{FDEN(g28,r10)} = \href{#CON}{CON(g28,r10)} \]
Equation 86: PRCT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)} = \href{#cd_oH}{cd\_oH(r10)} *{(\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{k},r10)} *\href{#PRKZ}{PRKZ(r10)} +\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{l},r10)} *\href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)} +\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{e},r10)} *\href{#PRCE}{PRCE(r10)} +\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{m},r10)} *\href{#PRCO}{PRCO(r10)} -\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{l},r10)} *\href{#SHLZ}{SHLZ(r10)} -\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{e},r10)} *\href{#SHEFC}{SHEFC(r10)})} +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_oH}{cd\_oH(r10)})} *ln{ \left( \href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{k},r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRKZ}{PRKZ(r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)})} +\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{l},r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}-\href{#SHLZ}{SHLZ(r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)})} +\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{e},r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRCE}{PRCE(r10)}-\href{#SHEFC}{SHEFC(r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)})} +\href{#delta_oH}{delta\_oH(\text{m},r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRCO}{PRCO(r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)})}\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_oH}{sigma\_oH(r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_oH}{cd\_oH(r10)})})}} -\href{#SHYZ}{SHYZ(r10)} \]
Equation 87: PRGT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRGT}{PRGT(r10)} = \frac{\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{e},r10)}}{{(\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{e},r10)} +\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{m},r10)})}} *\sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#delta_eG}{delta\_eG(g28,r10)}*\href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)}\right) } +\frac{\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{m},r10)}}{{(\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{e},r10)} +\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{m},r10)})}} *\sum_{g30 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_m}{goods\_m}} { \left(\href{#delta_mG}{delta\_mG(g30,r10)}*\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 88: MONE
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#MONE}{MONE(r10)} = \href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}+\href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)} +\href{#int_elast}{int\_elast(r10)}*\href{#INTN}{INTN(r10)} +\href{#SHKM}{SHKM(r10)} \]
Equation 89: INTF
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INTF}{INTF(r10)} = \href{#INTN}{INTN(r10)}-lead({\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}}) +\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} \]
Equation 90: INTR
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)} = \href{#INTF}{INTF(r10)}+\href{#RISR}{RISR(r10)} \]
Equation 91: INFP
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INFP}{INFP(r10)} = \href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}-\href{#PRDL}{PRDL(r10)} \]
Equation 92: PRCL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#PRCL}{PRCL(r10)}}) = \href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)} \]
Equation 93: PRDL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#PRDL}{PRDL(r10)}}) = \href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} \]
Equation 94: GDPN
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GDPN}{GDPN(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left( \href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}+\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}+\href{#GCET}{GCET(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}+\href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } *\href{#TBAL}{TBAL(r10)} +\sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}\right) } *\href{#INS}{INS(r10,g33)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 95: GDPR
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GDPR}{GDPR(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#GCET}{GCET(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)}\right) } +\href{#TBAL}{TBAL(r10)} +\sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#INS}{INS(r10,g33)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 96: PGDP
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PGDP}{PGDP(r10)} = \href{#GDPN}{GDPN(r10)}-\href{#GDPR}{GDPR(r10)} \]
Equation 97: GNPR
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GNPR}{GNPR(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#GDPR}{GDPR(r10)}\right) } +\frac{{(\href{#PBAL}{PBAL(r10)}+\href{#IRAS}{IRAS(r10)})}}{exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(r10)}\right) }}\right) } \]
Equation 98: CURN
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#CURN}{CURN(r10)} = \href{#TBAL}{TBAL(r10)} +\frac{{(\href{#PBAL}{PBAL(r10)}+\href{#INAS}{INAS(r10)})}}{exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(r10)}\right) }} \]
Equation 99: CURR
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#CURR}{CURR(r10)} = \href{#TBAU}{TBAU(r10)}+\href{#PBAL}{PBAL(r10)} +\href{#IRAS}{IRAS(r10)} \]
Equation 100: WELT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#WELT}{WELT(r10)} = ln{ \left( \href{#BOND}{BOND(r10)} +\frac{\href{#ASSU}{ASSU(r10)}}{exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(r10)}\right) }} +\frac{{(\href{#mongdp}{mongdp(r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#MONE}{MONE(r10)}\right) })}}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }} +exp{ \left(\href{#WELH}{WELH(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#LAMY}{LAMY(r10)}+\href{#CAPY}{CAPY(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#LAMZ}{LAMZ(r10)}+\href{#CAPZ}{CAPZ(r10)}\right) } +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#STM}{STM(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 101: WELH
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#WELH}{WELH(r10)}}) = ln{ \left( {(1+\href{#RISW}{RISW(r10)}+\href{#RISH}{RISH(r10)} +\href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)} -\href{#labgrow}{labgrow(r10)})} *exp{ \left(\href{#WELH}{WELH(r10)}\right) } -\href{#TRAN}{TRAN(r10)} +exp{ \left(\href{#TAXH}{TAXH(r10)}\right) } +\href{#TAXL}{TAXL(r10)} -\frac{{(exp{ \left( \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}+\href{#IITL}{IITL(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}+\href{#CNPL}{CNPL(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#WAGG}{WAGG(r10)}\right) } *\href{#GOVL}{GOVL(r10)} +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left( \href{#WAG}{WAG(s1,r10)}+\href{#LAB}{LAB(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) })}}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }}\right) } \]
Equation 102: SAVI
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#SAVI}{SAVI(r10)} = exp{ \left( \href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)}+\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)} -\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } +\frac{\href{#CURR}{CURR(r10)}}{exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(r10)}\right) }} +\href{#DEFI}{DEFI(r10)} \]
Equation 103: SAVN
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#SAVN}{SAVN(r10)} = exp{ \left( \href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)}+\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)} -\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } +\href{#CURN}{CURN(r10)} +\href{#DEFN}{DEFN(r10)} \]
Equation 104: SAVT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#SAVT}{SAVT(r10)} = exp{ \left( \href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)}+\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)} -\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } +\href{#CURN}{CURN(r10)} \]
Equation 105: TBAL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TBAL}{TBAL(r10)} = exp{ \left(\href{#EXQT}{EXQT(r10)}\right) } -exp{ \left(\href{#IMQT}{IMQT(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 106: TBAU
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TBAU}{TBAU(r10)} = \href{#TBAL}{TBAL(r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 107: EMCO2
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#EMCO2}{EMCO2(s1,r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#co2coef}{co2coef(s1,g28,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#EN}{EN(s1,g28,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 108: EMCO2FD
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EMCO2FD}{EMCO2FD(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#co2coefFD}{co2coefFD(g28,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#FDEN}{FDEN(g28,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 109: EMCO
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EMCO}{EMCO(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#EMCO2}{EMCO2(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#EMCO2FD}{EMCO2FD(r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 110: ENER
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#ENER}{ENER(r10)} = \sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#btucoef}{btucoef(g33,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#OUY}{OUY(g33,r10)}\right) } *1000\right) } -\sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#btucoef}{btucoef(g33,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#EXQ}{EXQ(g33,r10)}\right) } *1000\right) } \]
Equation 111: EMIS
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EMIS}{EMIS(r10)} = \frac{{(exp{ \left(\href{#EMCO}{EMCO(r10)}\right) } *12)}}{44} \]
Equation 112: EMIT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EMIT}{EMIT(r10)} = \href{#EMIS}{EMIS(r10)}-\href{#EMIX}{EMIX(r10)} \]
Equation 113: EMISW
\[ \href{#EMISW}{EMISW} = \sum_{r10 \; \text{in} \; \href{#regions}{regions}} { \left(\href{#EMIS}{EMIS(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 114: ENERW
\[ \href{#ENERW}{ENERW} = \sum_{r10 \; \text{in} \; \href{#regions}{regions}} { \left(\href{#ENER}{ENER(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 115: EMCOW
\[ \href{#EMCOW}{EMCOW} = \frac{{(\href{#EMISW}{EMISW}*44)}}{12} \]
Equation 116: EXCH
For n1 in notUSA (9 total):
\[ \href{#EXCH}{EXCH(n1)} = \href{#REXN}{REXN(n1)}-\href{#PRID}{PRID(n1)} +\href{#PRID}{PRID(\text{USA})} \]
Equation 117: EXCL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#EXCL}{EXCL(r10)}}) = \href{#EXCH}{EXCH(r10)} \]
Equation 118: REXC
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#REXC}{REXC(r10)}}) = \href{#REXC}{REXC(r10)}-\href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)} +\href{#INTR}{INTR(\text{USA})} +\href{#EXCR}{EXCR(r10)} \]
Equation 119: NEER
For d in dest (10 total):
\[ \href{#NEER}{NEER(d)} = {( -\sum_{o1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#orig}{orig}} { \left(\href{#eer_weight}{eer\_weight(d,o1)} *{(\href{#EXCH}{EXCH(o1)}-\href{#EXCH}{EXCH(d)})}\right) })} \]
Equation 120: REER
For d in dest (10 total):
\[ \href{#REER}{REER(d)} = {( -\sum_{o1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#orig}{orig}} { \left(\href{#eer_weight}{eer\_weight(d,o1)} *{(\href{#REXN}{REXN(o1)}-\href{#REXN}{REXN(d)})}\right) })} \]
Equation 121: ABUY
For o2 in owner (10 total):
\[ \href{#ABUY}{ABUY(o2)} = \sum_{a \; \text{in} \; \href{#abroad}{abroad}} { \left(\href{#ainv}{ainv(o2,a)}*\href{#CURR}{CURR(a)}\right) } \]
Equation 122: ASSE
For c in currency, o2 in owner (100 total):
\[ lead({\href{#ASSE}{ASSE(c,o2)}}) = \href{#ASSE}{ASSE(c,o2)}*{(1-\href{#labgrow}{labgrow(o2)})} +\frac{{(\href{#ashr}{ashr(c,o2)}*\href{#ABUY}{ABUY(o2)} +\href{#aeye}{aeye(c,o2)} *{(\href{#CURR}{CURR(o2)}-\href{#ABUY}{ABUY(o2)})})}}{exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(c)}\right) }} \]
Equation 123: ASSU
For o2 in owner (10 total):
\[ \href{#ASSU}{ASSU(o2)} = \sum_{c \; \text{in} \; \href{#currency}{currency}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#REXN}{REXN(c)}\right) } *\href{#ASSE}{ASSE(c,o2)}\right) } \]
Equation 124: EYGR
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EYGR}{EYGR(r10)} = lead({\href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)}})-\href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)} \]
Equation 125: EPRC
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EPRC}{EPRC(r10)} = lead({\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}})-\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)} \]
Equation 126: INFL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INFL}{INFL(r10)} = \href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}-\href{#PRCL}{PRCL(r10)} \]
Equation 127: PRCOL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#PRCOL}{PRCOL(r10)}}) = \href{#PRCO}{PRCO(r10)} \]
Equation 128: INFCL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INFCL}{INFCL(r10)} = \href{#PRCO}{PRCO(r10)}-\href{#PRCOL}{PRCOL(r10)} \]
Equation 129: YGRO
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#YGRO}{YGRO(r10)} = \href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)}-\href{#OUTL}{OUTL(r10)} \]
Equation 130: GNEN
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GNEN}{GNEN(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left( \href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}+\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}+\href{#GCET}{GCET(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}+\href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)}\right) } +\sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(exp{ \left(\href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}\right) } *\href{#INS}{INS(r10,g33)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 131: GNER
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GNER}{GNER(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#CONP}{CONP(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#GCET}{GCET(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#INVT}{INVT(r10)}\right) } +\sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#INS}{INS(r10,g33)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 132: INTN
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#INTN}{INTN(r10)} = \href{#mrule_r}{mrule\_r(r10)}*\href{#INTL}{INTL(r10)} +\href{#mrule_ex}{mrule\_ex(r10)} *{(\href{#EXCH}{EXCH(r10)}-\href{#EXCL}{EXCL(r10)} -\href{#EXCX}{EXCX(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_1}{mrule\_1(r10)} *{(\href{#INFL}{INFL(r10)}-\href{#INFX}{INFX(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_2}{mrule\_2(r10)} *{(\href{#INFP}{INFP(r10)}-\href{#INFX}{INFX(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_3}{mrule\_3(r10)} *{(\href{#INFCL}{INFCL(r10)}-\href{#INFX}{INFX(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_4}{mrule\_4(r10)} *{(\href{#PRCT}{PRCT(r10)}-\href{#PTAR}{PTAR(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_5}{mrule\_5(r10)} *{(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}-\href{#PTAR}{PTAR(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_6}{mrule\_6(r10)} *{(\href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}-\href{#PTAR}{PTAR(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_7}{mrule\_7(r10)}*0 +\href{#mrule_8}{mrule\_8(r10)} *{(\href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)}-\href{#OUTL}{OUTL(r10)} -\href{#ROGY}{ROGY(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_9}{mrule\_9(r10)} *{(\href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)}-\href{#OUTL}{OUTL(r10)} -\href{#ROGY}{ROGY(r10)} +\href{#INFP}{INFP(r10)} -\href{#INFX}{INFX(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_10}{mrule\_10(r10)} *{(\href{#GDPN}{GDPN(r10)}-\href{#ROGY}{ROGY(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_11}{mrule\_11(r10)} *{(\href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)}+\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_12}{mrule\_12(r10)} *ln{ \left( exp{ \left( \href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)}+\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } -\href{#TBAL}{TBAL(r10)}\right) } +\href{#mrule_13}{mrule\_13(r10)} *{(\href{#EPRC}{EPRC(r10)}-\href{#INFX}{INFX(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_14}{mrule\_14(r10)} *{(\href{#EYGR}{EYGR(r10)}-\href{#ROGY}{ROGY(r10)})} +\href{#mrule_15}{mrule\_15(r10)} *{(\href{#GNEN}{GNEN(r10)}-\href{#ROGY}{ROGY(r10)})} \]
Equation 133: INTL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#INTL}{INTL(r10)}}) = \href{#INTN}{INTN(r10)} \]
Equation 134: GCE
For g28 in goods_e, r10 in regions (50 total):
\[ \href{#GCE}{GCE(g28,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_eG}{delta\_eG(g28,r10)}\right) } +ln{ \left( \frac{\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{e},r10)}}{{(\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{e},r10)} +\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{m},r10)})}}\right) } +\href{#GOVS}{GOVS(r10)} +\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} -\href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)} \]
Equation 135: GCE
For g30 in goods_m, r10 in regions (90 total):
\[ \href{#GCE}{GCE(g30,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_mG}{delta\_mG(g30,r10)}\right) } +ln{ \left( \frac{\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{m},r10)}}{{(\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{e},r10)} +\href{#delta_oG}{delta\_oG(\text{m},r10)})}}\right) } +\href{#GOVS}{GOVS(r10)} +\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} -\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)} \]
Equation 136: GCET
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GCET}{GCET(r10)} = ln{ \left( \sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(exp{ \left( \href{#GCE}{GCE(g33,r10)}+\href{#PRY}{PRY(g33,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } -\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} \]
Equation 137: GOVT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GOVT}{GOVT(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#GCET}{GCET(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#WAGG}{WAGG(r10)}-\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) } *\href{#GOVL}{GOVL(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 138: TRAN
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TRAN}{TRAN(r10)} = \href{#TRANX}{TRANX(r10)} +\href{#transgdp}{transgdp(r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#OUTP}{OUTP(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 139: TXM
For d in dest, g33 in goods_o (140 total):
\[ \href{#TXM}{TXM(g33,d)} = \frac{\sum_{o1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#orig}{orig}} { \left({(\href{#TIM}{TIM(g33,d,o1)}*\href{#MUL}{MUL(d,o1)} +\href{#TIF}{TIF(g33,d)}*\href{#FTA}{FTA(d,o1)})} *exp{ \left( \href{#PIM}{PIM(g33,d,o1)}+\href{#IMP}{IMP(g33,d,o1)}\right) }\right) }}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(d)}\right) }} \]
Equation 140: TAXM
For d in dest (10 total):
\[ \href{#TAXM}{TAXM(d)} = \sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#TXM}{TXM(g33,d)}\right) } \]
Equation 141: TAXX
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TAXX}{TAXX(r10)} = \frac{\sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#TEX}{TEX(g33,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRS}{PRS(g33,r10)}+\href{#EXQ}{EXQ(g33,r10)}\right) }\right) }}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }} \]
Equation 142: TAXH
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TAXH}{TAXH(r10)} = ln{ \left( \href{#TINC}{TINC(r10)} *{(exp{ \left( \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}+\href{#IITL}{IITL(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#WAGE}{WAGE(r10)}+\href{#CNPL}{CNPL(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#WAGG}{WAGG(r10)}\right) } *\href{#GOVL}{GOVL(r10)} +\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(exp{ \left( \href{#WAG}{WAG(s1,r10)}+\href{#LAB}{LAB(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) })} -\href{#TITCH}{TITCH(r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}+\href{#INVZ}{INVZ(r10)}\right) }\right) } -\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)} \]
Equation 143: BOND
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ lead({\href{#BOND}{BOND(r10)}}) = \href{#DEFI}{DEFI(r10)} +\href{#BOND}{BOND(r10)}*{(1-\href{#labgrow}{labgrow(r10)})} -\href{#PBAG}{PBAG(r10)} \]
Equation 144: TAXL
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TAXL}{TAXL(r10)} = \href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)}*\href{#BOND}{BOND(r10)} +\href{#TAXS}{TAXS(r10)} \]
Equation 145: TAXT
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TAXT}{TAXT(r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#TAXC}{TAXC(r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left(\href{#TAXH}{TAXH(r10)}\right) } +\href{#TAXL}{TAXL(r10)}+\href{#TAXM}{TAXM(r10)} +\href{#TAXX}{TAXX(r10)} +\href{#TAXE}{TAXE(r10)}\right) } \]
Equation 146: DEFI
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#DEFI}{DEFI(r10)} = exp{ \left(\href{#GOVT}{GOVT(r10)}\right) } +\href{#TRAN}{TRAN(r10)} -exp{ \left(\href{#TAXT}{TAXT(r10)}\right) } +\href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)}*\href{#BOND}{BOND(r10)} \]
Equation 147: DEFN
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#DEFN}{DEFN(r10)} = \href{#DEFI}{DEFI(r10)} +{(\href{#INTN}{INTN(r10)}-\href{#INTR}{INTR(r10)})} *\href{#BOND}{BOND(r10)} \]
Equation 148: PRT
For g28 in goods_e, r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (1050 total):
\[ \href{#PRT}{PRT(s1,g28,r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#PRS}{PRS(g28,r10)}\right) } *{(1+\href{#TAX}{TAX(g28,r10)}+\href{#CTAV}{CTAV(s1,g28,r10)} +\href{#CTAVS}{CTAVS(r10)})} +\href{#TXGS}{TXGS(s1,g28,r10)} +\frac{{({(\href{#TCPS}{TCPS(s1,g28,r10)}+\href{#SCON}{SCON(r10)})} *\href{#co2coef}{co2coef(s1,g28,r10)})}}{100}\right) } \]
Equation 149: CON
For g28 in goods_e, r10 in regions (50 total):
\[ \href{#CON}{CON(g28,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_eH}{delta\_eH(g28,r10)}\right) } +\href{#CNPE}{CNPE(r10)} +\href{#sigma_eH}{sigma\_eH(r10)} *{(\href{#PRCE}{PRCE(r10)} -ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)}\right) } *{(1+\href{#CTFDAV}{CTFDAV(g28,r10)})} +\frac{{({(\href{#TCPSFD}{TCPSFD(g28,r10)}+\href{#SCON}{SCON(r10)})} *\href{#co2coefFD}{co2coefFD(g28,r10)})}}{100}\right) })} \]
Equation 150: CON
For g31 in goods_mc, r10 in regions (80 total):
\[ \href{#CON}{CON(g31,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_mH}{delta\_mH(g31,r10)}\right) } +\href{#CNPO}{CNPO(r10)} +\href{#sigma_mH}{sigma\_mH(r10)} *{(\href{#PRCO}{PRCO(r10)}-\href{#PRY}{PRY(g31,r10)})} \]
Equation 151: EN
For g28 in goods_e, r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (1050 total):
\[ \href{#EN}{EN(s1,g28,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_e}{delta\_e(r10,s1,g28)}\right) } +\href{#ENT}{ENT(s1,r10)} +\href{#sigma_e}{sigma\_e(s1,r10)} *{(\href{#PRE}{PRE(s1,r10)}-\href{#PRT}{PRT(s1,g28,r10)})} \]
Equation 152: OI
For g30 in goods_m, r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (1890 total):
\[ \href{#OI}{OI(s1,g30,r10)} = ln{ \left(\href{#delta_m}{delta\_m(r10,s1,g30)}\right) } +\href{#OIN}{OIN(s1,r10)} +\href{#sigma_m}{sigma\_m(s1,r10)} *{(\href{#POI}{POI(s1,r10)}-\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)})} \]
Equation 153: PRE
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#PRE}{PRE(s1,r10)} = \href{#cd_e}{cd\_e(s1,r10)} *\sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#delta_e}{delta\_e(r10,s1,g28)}*\href{#PRT}{PRT(s1,g28,r10)}\right) } +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_e}{cd\_e(s1,r10)})} *ln{ \left( \sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#delta_e}{delta\_e(r10,s1,g28)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRT}{PRT(s1,g28,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_e}{sigma\_e(s1,r10)})}\right) }\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_e}{sigma\_e(s1,r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_e}{cd\_e(s1,r10)})})}} \]
Equation 154: POI
For r10 in regions, s1 in sec_std (210 total):
\[ \href{#POI}{POI(s1,r10)} = \href{#cd_m}{cd\_m(s1,r10)} *\sum_{g30 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_m}{goods\_m}} { \left(\href{#delta_m}{delta\_m(r10,s1,g30)}*\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)}\right) } +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_m}{cd\_m(s1,r10)})} *ln{ \left( \sum_{g30 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_m}{goods\_m}} { \left(\href{#delta_m}{delta\_m(r10,s1,g30)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_m}{sigma\_m(s1,r10)})}\right) }\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_m}{sigma\_m(s1,r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_m}{cd\_m(s1,r10)})})}} \]
Equation 155: PRCE
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRCE}{PRCE(r10)} = \href{#cd_eH}{cd\_eH(r10)} *\sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#delta_eH}{delta\_eH(g28,r10)} *ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)}\right) } *{(1+\href{#CTFDAV}{CTFDAV(g28,r10)})} +\frac{{({(\href{#TCPSFD}{TCPSFD(g28,r10)}+\href{#SCON}{SCON(r10)})} *\href{#co2coefFD}{co2coefFD(g28,r10)})}}{100}\right) }\right) } +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_eH}{cd\_eH(r10)})} *ln{ \left( \sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#delta_eH}{delta\_eH(g28,r10)} *{(exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)}\right) } *{(1+\href{#CTFDAV}{CTFDAV(g28,r10)})} +\frac{{({(\href{#TCPSFD}{TCPSFD(g28,r10)}+\href{#SCON}{SCON(r10)})} *\href{#co2coefFD}{co2coefFD(g28,r10)})}}{100})} ^{(1-\href{#sigma_eH}{sigma\_eH(r10)})}\right) }\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_eH}{sigma\_eH(r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_eH}{cd\_eH(r10)})})}} \]
Equation 156: PRCO
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRCO}{PRCO(r10)} = \href{#cd_mH}{cd\_mH(r10)} *\sum_{g30 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_m}{goods\_m}} { \left(\href{#delta_mH}{delta\_mH(g30,r10)}*\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)}\right) } +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_mH}{cd\_mH(r10)})} *ln{ \left( \sum_{g30 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_m}{goods\_m}} { \left(\href{#delta_mH}{delta\_mH(g30,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g30,r10)}\right) } ^{(1-\href{#sigma_mH}{sigma\_mH(r10)})}\right) }\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_mH}{sigma\_mH(r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_mH}{cd\_mH(r10)})})}} \]
Equation 157: RVGS
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#RVGS}{RVGS(r10)} = \frac{\sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(\href{#EN}{EN(s1,g28,r10)} *{(\href{#TXGS}{TXGS(s1,g28,r10)} +\frac{{(\href{#TCPS}{TCPS(s1,g28,r10)}*\href{#co2coef}{co2coef(s1,g28,r10)})}}{100})} +\frac{{(\href{#FDEN}{FDEN(g28,r10)}*\href{#TCPSFD}{TCPSFD(g28,r10)} *\href{#co2coef}{co2coef(s1,g28,r10)})}}{100}\right) }\right) }}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }} \]
Equation 158: RVCTAV
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#RVCTAV}{RVCTAV(r10)} = \frac{\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(\sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#CTAV}{CTAV(s1,g28,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRS}{PRS(g28,r10)}+\href{#EN}{EN(s1,g28,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) }}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }} +\frac{\sum_{g28 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_e}{goods\_e}} { \left(\href{#CTFDAV}{CTFDAV(g28,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRY}{PRY(g28,r10)}+\href{#FDEN}{FDEN(g28,r10)}\right) }\right) }}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }} \]
Equation 159: TAXE
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TAXE}{TAXE(r10)} = \href{#RVGS}{RVGS(r10)}+\href{#RVCTAV}{RVCTAV(r10)} \]
Equation 160: TAXC
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#TAXC}{TAXC(r10)} = ln{ \left( \href{#TCOR}{TCOR(r10)} *{(\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(\href{#PRF}{PRF(s1,r10)}\right) } +\href{#PRFY}{PRFY(r10)})} +\frac{{(\sum_{g27 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods}{goods}} { \left(\href{#TAX}{TAX(g27,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRD}{PRD(g27,r10)}+\href{#OUG}{OUG(g27,r10)}\right) }\right) } +\sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#TAX}{TAX(g33,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PMR}{PMR(g33,r10)}+\href{#IMQ}{IMQ(g33,r10)}\right) }\right) } -\sum_{s1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#sec_std}{sec\_std}} { \left(\href{#TITC}{TITC(s1,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRII}{PRII(r10)}+\href{#INV}{INV(s1,r10)}\right) }\right) } -\sum_{g33 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_o}{goods\_o}} { \left(\href{#TAX}{TAX(g33,r10)} *exp{ \left( \href{#PRS}{PRS(g33,r10)}+\href{#EXQ}{EXQ(g33,r10)}\right) }\right) })}}{exp{ \left(\href{#PRID}{PRID(r10)}\right) }}\right) } \]
Equation 161: OUY
For g29 in goods_g, r10 in regions (80 total):
\[ \href{#OUY}{OUY(g29,r10)} = \href{#ELE}{ELE(g29,r10)} \]
Equation 162: OUG
For g29 in goods_g, r10 in regions (80 total):
\[ \href{#OUG}{OUG(g29,r10)} = \href{#OUY}{OUY(g29,r10)} \]
Equation 163: ELE
For g29 in goods_g, r10 in regions (80 total):
\[ \href{#ELE}{ELE(g29,r10)} = {(\href{#sigma_ed}{sigma\_ed(r10)}-1)}*\href{#SHY}{SHY(\text{a01},r10)} +ln{ \left(\href{#delta_ed}{delta\_ed(r10,g29)}\right) } +\href{#OUP}{OUP(\text{a01},r10)} +\href{#sigma_ed}{sigma\_ed(r10)} *{(\href{#PRP}{PRP(\text{a01},r10)} -ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g29,r10)}\right) } -\href{#gwhcoef}{gwhcoef(g29,r10)}*\href{#credfac}{credfac(g29,r10)} *\href{#PCEC}{PCEC(r10)} +\href{#RATEFEE}{RATEFEE(g29,r10)}\right) })} \]
Equation 164: PRS
For g29 in goods_g, r10 in regions (80 total):
\[ \href{#PRS}{PRS(g29,r10)} = \href{#PRD}{PRD(g29,r10)} \]
Equation 165: PED
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PED}{PED(r10)} = \href{#cd_ed}{cd\_ed(r10)} *\sum_{g29 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_g}{goods\_g}} { \left(\href{#delta_ed}{delta\_ed(r10,g29)} *ln{ \left( exp{ \left( \href{#PRY}{PRY(g29,r10)} -\href{#gwhcoef}{gwhcoef(g29,r10)}*\href{#credfac}{credfac(g29,r10)} *\href{#PCEC}{PCEC(r10)} +\href{#RATEFEE}{RATEFEE(g29,r10)}\right) }\right) }\right) } +\frac{{({(1-\href{#cd_ed}{cd\_ed(r10)})} *ln{ \left( \sum_{g29 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_g}{goods\_g}} { \left(\href{#delta_ed}{delta\_ed(r10,g29)} *{(exp{ \left(\href{#PRY}{PRY(g29,r10)}\right) } -\href{#gwhcoef}{gwhcoef(g29,r10)}*\href{#credfac}{credfac(g29,r10)} *\href{#PCEC}{PCEC(r10)} +\href{#RATEFEE}{RATEFEE(g29,r10)})} ^{(1-\href{#sigma_ed}{sigma\_ed(r10)})}\right) }\right) })}}{{(1 -\href{#sigma_ed}{sigma\_ed(r10)}*{(1-\href{#cd_ed}{cd\_ed(r10)})})}} -\href{#SHY}{SHY(\text{a01},r10)} \]
Equation 166: PRP
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#PRP}{PRP(\text{a01},r10)} = ln{ \left( exp{ \left(\href{#PED}{PED(r10)}\right) } +\frac{{(\href{#PCEC}{PCEC(r10)}*\href{#GWHC}{GWHC(r10)})}}{exp{ \left(\href{#OUP}{OUP(\text{a01},r10)}\right) }}\right) } \]
Equation 167: GWHA
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GWHA}{GWHA(r10)} = \sum_{g27 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods}{goods}} { \left(\href{#gwhcoef}{gwhcoef(g27,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#OUG}{OUG(g27,r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 168: GWHC
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GWHC}{GWHC(r10)} = \sum_{g27 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods}{goods}} { \left(\href{#credfac}{credfac(g27,r10)}*\href{#gwhcoef}{gwhcoef(g27,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#OUG}{OUG(g27,r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 169: CSHR
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#CSHR}{CSHR(r10)} = \frac{\href{#GWHC}{GWHC(r10)}}{\href{#GWHA}{GWHA(r10)}} \]
Equation 170: EDRC
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#EDRC}{EDRC(r10)} = \sum_{g29 \; \text{in} \; \href{#goods_g}{goods\_g}} { \left({(\href{#CO2RATE}{CO2RATE(g29,r10)}-\href{#CO2TAR}{CO2TAR(r10)})} *\href{#gwhcoef}{gwhcoef(g29,r10)} *exp{ \left(\href{#OUG}{OUG(g29,r10)}\right) }\right) } \]
Equation 171: GENCO2
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GENCO2}{GENCO2(\text{a13},r10)} = exp{ \left( \href{#EN}{EN(\text{a13},\text{g04},r10)}\right) } *\href{#carcoef}{carcoef(\text{g04},r10)} *1000 \]
Equation 172: GENCO2
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GENCO2}{GENCO2(\text{a14},r10)} = exp{ \left( \href{#EN}{EN(\text{a13},\text{g02},r10)}\right) } *\href{#carcoef}{carcoef(\text{g02},r10)} *1000 \]
Equation 173: GENCO2
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GENCO2}{GENCO2(\text{a15},r10)} = {(exp{ \left( \href{#EN}{EN(\text{a15},\text{g05},r10)}\right) } +exp{ \left( \href{#EN}{EN(\text{a03},\text{g05},r10)} +\href{#EN}{EN(\text{a15},\text{g03},r10)} -\href{#OUY}{OUY(\text{g03},r10)}\right) })} *\href{#carcoef}{carcoef(\text{g05},r10)} *1000 \]
Equation 174: GENRATE
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#GENRATE}{GENRATE(r10)} = \frac{{(\sum_{f1 \; \text{in} \; \href{#fgen}{fgen}} { \left(\href{#GENCO2}{GENCO2(f1,r10)}\right) } *2205 *1000)}}{\href{#GWHA}{GWHA(r10)}} \]
Equation 175: REXN
For r10 in regions (10 total):
\[ \href{#REXN}{REXN(r10)} = \href{#REXC}{REXC(r10)} \]
Equation 176: REXB
\[ \href{#REXB}{REXB(r3)} = \href{#REXC}{REXC(r3)} \]
Equation 177: REXL
\[ lead({\href{#REXL}{REXL(r3)}}) = \href{#REXB}{REXB(r3)} \]